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Old 04 June 2019, 12:26   #30
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Originally Posted by Predseda View Post
Did you try contacting Edmund Clay? (I did in the past, but without success)
Before start updating GRAC we contact too with author of Doopsi ( another old graphic adventure engine for Amiga ) but he confirm me that all sources, keygenerator and all related Doopsi stuff was stolen when his A1200 HD broke.

We check GRAAL too, but it's more complex to use and need more ram resources than GRAC. Have some small advantages VS GRAC but some big disadvantages VS GRAC too.

We think that update GRAC is the best way for now.

Our plan is:

1- Update GRAC 2 to GRAC 2.5, fixing small bugs and add some new options but with compatibility with old projects, you can load your old game into the new GRAC 2.5 and save as improved version. In addition we include an external app for extract text files for help to recreate the game in different languages.
(Now finished at 99% , we need check documentation, test it intensive and make a new better tutorial)

2- GRAC 3, will include all improvements of GRAC 2.5 and add graphic inventory, native multi-language for games , new format for read and write files faster , new question and answers engine, options menu for save and load states, maybe a new music .mod engine and some other things.
(At now new file format, graphic inventory and multi-language is ready)

3- GRAC 3.5 , the idea is maintain the same GRAC 3 editor and rewrite a new player engine in Blitzbasic for OCS and AGA adventures.

4- GRAC 4 ( Not more GRAC source code dependency ), when GRAC 3.5 finished Birra want rewrite all from scratch for make and adventure engine capable to build games for Amiga OCS, Amiga AGA, Amiga RTG and Amiga NG, all in the same tool.

Of course all this things need time, time, and more time. GRAC 2.5 and GRAC 3 they are in progress, GRAC 3.5 and GRAC 4 they are just an idea, for now.

Last edited by kikems; 04 June 2019 at 12:59.
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