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Old 09 May 2019, 22:18   #19
FS-UAE Developer
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Førde, Norway
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Progress is quite good, at least if you count the amount of code merged. I've now merged code up and until WinUAE 4.0.0 - will continue with 4.0.1 and 4.1.0.

A word of warning, due to the significant amount of changes in the codebase, expect lots of features to not work. I have however ensured that, for each WinUAE beta version merged, FS-UAE compiles and runs OK with basic emulation (A500, no fancy expansions). Stuff like picasso, ppc, jit, uae expansions is likely to be broken, and when I'm caught up with all changes from WinUAE, there's probably a lots of work needed to get all FS-UAE features working again.

Brave souls can of course, as always, try the code from git. The winuae4000 branch contains FS-UAE with emulation code synced with WinUAE 4.0.0. I'll continue merging in the winuae4010 branch.
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