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Old 19 January 2019, 00:57   #1
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KCS Power PC - access the pc partition from the Amiga side?

After quite some effort I have the kcs power PC board (plus) working on my A500 plus / A590, with an scsi2sd providing two virtual scsi units, unit 0 for the Amiga (DH0, DH1) and unit 1 (DH2) for the pc bit. This works well enough, I can install DOS 5, Windows 3, etc.

But it's an arse to get data to / from the pc partition. I use a gotek to shuffle stuff across, one 720KB image at a time. The Amiga has a plipbox on it so I'm used to having ready access to samba shares, aminet and so on.

It would be great if I could somehow mount DH2 in workbench so that I can get at the data on it.

Things I have tried :
Creating a mount list for fat95 for scsi unit 1 - no luck, 'info' says no disk in drive or similar

Using crossdos 7.04 to create a dos partition - nope, PC board can't see any harddrive

Crossdos to create a DOSDriver mount for the existing amiga partition - as with fat95

There's definitely data stored on the dos partition, but it's not seen at all from the Amiga side. I'm sure it's a matter of clever mount list creation but I can't work it out.

Has anyone had any success with this? I can find no documentation about how the pc board uses the disk. I suppose I could image the sd card with dd and go at it with a hex editor to find the DOS MBR but frankly unless it said "MBR" in ASCII I would be able to spot it. Even if I did work out where it started I'm not sure how to translate that into a usable Amiga mount list.

All suggestions gratefully received.
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