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Old 10 January 2019, 09:50   #19
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Originally Posted by Marlon_ View Post
Would be nice with a version that uses the pin header internally for the 1200 boards that has the header and has a USB header so you can mount a USB mouse port wherever you want.
Really nice project!
Interesting tip, thanks !
At the moment I am focused to make this first release rock solid, but I will drop myself a note for it in my "todo" list.

Originally Posted by Cav View Post
Awesome project! Id like to buy it as a do it your self kit if possible? All components but unassembled.

Yes, it is an option I have considered.

I am thinking about the following options (or any combination of):

- Free schematics and gerber files;
- Free downloadable fw bootloader for everyone;
- fw App tied 1:1 to each board (i.e. each board will need an uniquely "signed" fw, which is tied to its uP unique id);

So in order to have a complete working device, the user could either:

1) Build and assemble the board himself, starting from gerbers and BOM + get the fw app from me (simply sending me a request + a proper "code" -very easy procedure I have already tested-);

2) Get a "DIY kit" from me (unassembled pcb+components) + assemble the board himself + get the fw App from me as above;

3) Get a fully assembled board from me, assembled by me (but I have a very limited time for this, so it will be a VERY small number of boards);

4) Get a fully assembled board from me, assembled by a professional supplier (would be great, but I should have to invest some heavy money for it, and this is an hobbyist project, not a commercial business for me, so..);

Just let me a few time to complete fw revision 1.5.0, I'm planning to make available an initial small number of boards for "early bird" users within few weeks. I have received an unexpected (large) number of request of interest about this project, and I want to be sure to release a "solid" product to all these early Amiga enthusiasts !

[request, please read] By the way, taking into consideration that this is a hobby for me and (luckily) I do not need to make my living by selling boards, what would you consider (I am asking to any forum user, I wil appreciate your opinion) a "right" price for the option n.2 (the DIY kit) ?

I mean, what would it be the price you'd happily pay for it (leaving apart any consideration about the real cost of production) ?

I will post here updates very soon.

Last edited by sampedenawa; 10 January 2019 at 10:02.
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