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Old 08 January 2019, 15:48   #32
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Just Wow!
Man, my thread is not worthy of such detailed reply, when I am sure many people that are on coders podforum would die to hear these tips and tricks. I don't beleave they often visit this podforum, unfortunately.
However, I got 2 questions (one on topic, second off topic)
1) Do you think (with today technology) is better that I keep both background and character sprite on one image (16 million colors), and then to convert it to 32 colors, then make 2 images (sprite and tiles) out of that.
Or... make 2 images (sprite and tiles). And both convert to 16 colors.
Or you think it's different from case to case, and depends on project overall?

2) I am not sure how much you are aware, but Final Fight conversion (by Richard Aplin) for the Amiga is considered by many (maybe 80-90%), a very bad port. Maybe not because of the graphics conversion so much, but much more because of the bad gameplay feel. Yet, you did port of games that are no less challenging (to say at least), like MK 1 and 2, and Golden Axe (that is considered best beat em up for the Amiga).
What's your thoughts on this? Do you think you could do better job on FF port?
I saw in some interview that Richard claims that no one could do a better job on that, and I am not sure I can agreed with him.
(but, to be fair, I must say also, that he (totally alone) did all the stuff in 6 month, and FF worked on unexpanded A500 512k)
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
It's unfortunate, that besides Golden Axe, we don't have any beat em up on Amiga, and even Golden Axe (imho), arcade version, is not really that well done in gameplay feel (like arcade Final Fight, Captain Commando, Punisher, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs... etc)

Thanks a lot man,
but what you are saying is waaaaaay overestimating my skills. Team 17 is like Blizzard for the Amiga, and my skills on RedPill are not in pair with poorest of poorest coder in the world. I also struggle very much with graphics (that's why I opened this thread )
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