Thread: Portable Amiga
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Old 12 November 2003, 22:03   #8
Music lord
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Hot holy christ, I have a handheld Amiga.

I'm using MaxMiga on my Zaurus. I can't configure it properly because I have no docs (somebody please post the Unix UAE readme if you have it!)

So far, I've got Last Ninja 2, Super Hang On and Exile running. I'll post a photo when I get home, it's pretty amazing, but it's a bit slow and the frame skip option that I'm trying doesn't seem to work. That's why I need to know the unix UAE options. There's also the fact that I can't change the input configuration which hinders things a bit.

Very surprised that it works so well though. Bizarre.

Everyone should buy one of these! I've got it emulating a GB/GBC (full speed), a NES (full speed), a SNES (full speed), Megadrive (too slow), MAME (a bit slow, but shouldn't be), GBA (can't find any rom files, but should be pretty good if the SNES emu is anything to go by).

Next to try are the ST, C64, and maybe Mac emulators.
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