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Old 27 December 2018, 18:04   #7
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Mm after some thinking pheraps i'm understanding your mechanism of fingerprint.

What i don't understand at the moment is the "necessity" of this mechanism.

You say you don't want "partial trainer" to work on "different cracked" versions.

But i think almost any amiga game cracked has been trained at the time, so you could get the already patched .ADF with the original crack intro trainer.

The plugin architecture i was thinking about would apply only on untouched SPS with no crack and no unlocking.

In that case the SPS image has itself already a hash or number (rarely more than 3 different SPS version of the same game) and i can assume the 3 versions are almost 99.9% identical.

So being a relation of 1:1 to the SPS game there will be always 1 address to patch in the same address space (1 version of the game 1 memory configuration to patch).

So searching for a "fingerprint" is superflous because the address to patch will be same in every version of the SPS.

I explain better.

There are actually two versions of gods SPS.

I'll test my teory, but i can be quite sure that the 2 SPS of Gods will have the same 000224 address where it stores the lives number.

So what is the usefulness of "searching" it with a fingerprint?
You already know for sure where it is.

The addres will remain the same regardless the SPS of the game.

Your fingerprint theory perfectly apply on cracked or unprotected games where "with some probability" 000224 address has been remapped to a different address in order to make the crack working.

In this case the only elegant method of make a trainer working (one trainer to rule them all) is to search for the memory fingerprint.

But as i said before, in these cases, the trainer plugin is useless because for an unprotected game there is already (99.99% probability) the corresponding trained version.

And when there is not a trained version, is much more easy to make a new one from scratch on the SPS (1 version 1 fixed address).

Do you get my point?

Last edited by tlenl; 27 December 2018 at 18:20.
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