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Old 30 November 2018, 10:11   #39
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Originally Posted by ross View Post
But the real question is: WHY?
There is no reason to save all the flags!

Use the ones you need in the right way (or put them aside with Scc) and you're good in all cases.
Indeed, it's not usually a big necessity on 68k based machines. I remember stacking/restoring the status register somewhat frequently on the 6502, but I've not really missed it on the 68k. More so since it's not a requirement for exception processing unlike 6502.

However, if you really want to (though I'd be very interested in knowing why you want this, like most here) - there is another option. You can run the whole program in supervisor mode if you want. This will allow you use of the move to sr <ea> and move from sr <ea> instructions as you see fit.

You can do this using the Exec function SuperState(). Remember to leave at the end of the program using UserState(). See here: for documentation.

Note that it's not really the recommended way to run entire OS legal programs and shouldn't really be required considering what Ross and others wrote above, but it can be done.
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