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Old 12 October 2018, 19:28   #20
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Originally Posted by BMD View Post
ACATune is for the cards speed.
ACAMapROM is to map a ROM image.
Not with my ACA1230...
ACAtune does the maprom function.

From the ACATune manual online:
The following is a list of available options in ACATune. Please note that not all ACA cards support all options. Especially new cards have been cleaned from options that make the system instable.

Using the Maprom function, you can copy the Amiga operating system to the on-board memory of your accelerator card, speeding up overall system performance significantly.
Note that for ACA630 and ACA1230 cards, ACATune needs to allocate the necessary memory at a specific position, which is why this feature should be enabled as early as possible, so that no other task can take this memory.
Owners of an ACA1231 can disregard this warning, as the maprom memory is always kept reserved and never marked as "free" for any other program to use. On ACA630 and AC1230 cards, this feature will deduct 1MB of memory, regardless of the actual ROM size that you have specified.
ACATune -maprom * Using one asterisk, ACATune will copy the internal 512KB ROM into Fast-Ram. This feature can be used without rebooting the system and will only be activated if the Amiga was booted from the internal ROM.
ACATune -maprom ** Using two asterisks, ACATune will copy 1MB internal ROM memory to Fast-Ram. Otherwise, it works the same as the 512KB option.
ACATune -maprom <romfile> In addition to using the internal ROM, you can load any 256KB, 512KB or 1MB romfile into Fast-Ram and use it as operating system. Just specify the name of the romfile, including the full path, and ACATune will attempt to load and execute it immediately. After loading the file, the screen will flash shortly and your computer will be rebooted using the new operating system.
ACATune -maprom off To disable the Maprom function, you can specify the "off" parameter, which re-enables execution of the actual ROM chips in your computer. ACATune will reboot the computer immediately, making the 1MB of Fast-Ram available to the system for ACA630 and ACA1230 users.
ACAtune -maprom * p With Kickstart in fastmem, the computer starts extremely fast. Sometimes so fast that the Gayle chip is not yet out of reset state - it will miss some accesses. As a result, the computer does not find a harddisk and comes up with the "insert disk" screen, waiting for a bootable disk to be inserted. By adding the "p" option to your maprom command line, ACAtune will attempt to patch the kickstart and insert a short waiting period on every reset. This will give the Gayle chip and harddrives enough time to wake up from reset condition and go into normal operation. The screen is turned light brown during the waiting period.
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