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Old 30 July 2018, 01:08   #17
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Originally Posted by Overmann View Post
I just have to throw one more in there while I'm at it:

Sim City 2000

I notoriously bad port that (along with other bad ports like Fifa and Aladdin) got surprisingly good scores when it was released. I always thought the amiga-version was a complete hack job, but then learned that the single person responsible for it got a weakend to complete it and no doubt did the best he could. I've just built some DOS-machines and among them is a 386dx 40mhz and a 486dx2 66 with a vlb graphics card and I have to say that SC2000 is unplayable on the 386, and not at all as fast and responsive as I would have guessed on the 486. It plays about as well as the amigaversion does on a patched up 060-system. I guess whoever ported it to the Amiga had a difficult job. It should have been a 32 color game.
So it might surprise you to know that if you use Shapeshifter the Mac emulator on Amiga, the Mac version of SS2000 runs quite a bit better
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