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Old 10 July 2018, 21:44   #15
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I think it was DCE that had a prototype AGA chipset add-on for the A500 in the mid/late 90s. I didn't find out about it until the late 2000s/early 2010s when a picture of it in a display case at an Amiga show made it online. It never made it to market.

Concerning earlier Amiga history, AGA appeared right around the time as the first popular 24-bit Zorro RTG cards. I remember there was a lot of excitement in the American magazines at the time. Because the cards could generate a 256-color screen and other AGA-like screenmodes, there was hope that they could be used to bring AGA to A2000s and A3000s. Obviously that's not the case, but because the result is functionally similar, misinterpretation/misunderstanding of the cards' capabilities at the time probably started the "AGA-compatible" rumor.
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