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Old 31 May 2018, 21:27   #1
J.M.D - Bedroom Musician
Join Date: Apr 2014
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Tiled dynamic copperlist: feasible?

Am copying this from the Final Fight thread;

My crazy idea is to change some of the colors according to a grid 8x8 made with the copper and dynamically allocated by the approximate position on screen of the bob (a bit like on the c64 and spectrum the attribute grid is changed dynamically) so that some enemies might have different colors like in the Capcom Arcade.

Why 8x8? To reduce copperlist changes and possibly create it dynamically - amiga copper has an horizontal step of 8 pixel; for the vertical just make an increment every 8

A similar technique was used in games like Lionheart or Turrican 3, albeit not that extensively: might create some color clash but is an interesting idea, just hope not too processor time consuming... by the way, if in a ZX spectrum the dynamic change is fast enough to simulate multicolor (nirvana engine), i guess on Amiga should be sorta feasible too (albeit in assembly, not in blitz basic or AMOS).

So i did create a mock-up image using one of the Street of Rage pictures by Mastar484, and considering the color 4 (pink) as dynamic.

Not the best in this sprite sheet, but if bobs are drawn assuming the color as changeable then look might improve.

The original sprite sheet:

How the grid might behave:

Copper replace color 4 according to the approximated to the top left margin of the8x8 grid tile coordinates of the several bobs on screen; if two bobs overlap, as visible, some clash might happen.
The grid is calculated according to bob positions and their attributed jolly color attributed to them.

If unoptimized copper might change color 4 40*24 times in a 1/50 second on PAL machines

Since am not a coder would love to know if something like this is technically feasible and usable.

Last edited by saimon69; 31 May 2018 at 22:09.
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