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Old 11 May 2018, 11:14   #1
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Amiga Assembly extension for Visual Studio Code

I've just started a new project of an extension for Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio Code Extension

The initial features are editor highlighting (existed already but not totally accurate) and code formatting.
It's a work in progress... I want to add some hover for documentation on asm and Amiga registers.

I'm new to Amiga assembly language so if you have some remarks or requests, or if you want to contribute, you're welcome !

Just in a few lines, why ... (you can skip this part ;-))
Well, after 25 years in my basement, my Amiga 500 is clean and running.
Back in the days, i wanted to create a copperlist, but 2mn of reboot after a messy code was too much.
Now I have FS-UAE with a save state (0.5 sec for restore), vscode and all the tutorials from Photo (thanks a lot !).
But in episode 13, it begins by a code cleaning - and after 20 years of being a software developer, I told myself, my code is really a mess !
I did not want to format it by hand...
So I created this extension, maybe it can be useful to someone else.
It will be for me to end the episode 13 !

Last edited by prb28; 11 May 2018 at 11:24.
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