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Old 05 May 2018, 15:23   #61
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Berlin
Posts: 131
Hello Toni,
now i'm playing with the 64bit Version under Win10.

If i load my program which has two hunks (code & data/bss) with uaedbg, it prints about a third hunk with size 4096 wich i think is for the stack, right? Could this size be configured?

Now if i start with "g" i get an illegal-memory-access-error: obviously access to uninitialized stack area.
I think this is due to my use of the SAS/C-Compiler and the linkage with the normal startup-module c.o. This code tries to get the stack-base wich is a (possible undocumented?) parameter on the stack.

* C initial startup procedure under AmigaDOS
* Use the following command line to make c.o
* asm -u -iINCLUDE: c.a

;;;   Stack map.
      OFFSET  0
           ds.b    4
savereg    ds.b    13*4
stackbtm   ds.b    4

*====== CLI Startup Code ===============================================
* Entry: D2 = command length
*	A2 = Command pointer
        move.l  a7,D0           * get top of stack
        sub.l   stackbtm(a7),D0 * compute bottom
        add.l   #128,D0         * allow for parms overflow
        move.l  D0,_base(A4)    * save for stack checking
These are only a few lines to show the problematic instruction.

Later i get some Exceptions 8, 26 and 27. I think they are Priviledge-Violation, Int-2 and Int-3. Should i inspect my code for errors or is this normal behavior? I think this happens by printf (DOS-calls, eg. Write).

Thank you for your time...
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