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Old 17 January 2018, 14:52   #1
Posts: n/a
Unhappy HD Boot Priority being ignored


I have a CF card taken from my A1200 and connected to an OSX laptop using a USB adapter. I have the CF card working in FS-UAE and it boots just fine and behaves just like my A1200.

However, I want to copy software from my OSX hard drive so I added a directory as a HD in the config, but FS-UAE insists on prioritising the directory as a boot device over the CF card.

I have entries for hard_drive_0_priority and hard_drive_1_priority in my config file but no matter what I put for each, the directory is always the boot device. I know my config file is being used as I can comment out the directory HD from it and it then boots fine from the CF card.

Anyone else experience this, or have any suggestions on what to try?

Thanks in advance!
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