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Old 18 February 2017, 15:58   #13
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Originally Posted by idrougge View Post
Nevertheless, due to the nature of Amiga dumps, a project like TOSEC is necessary simply so that someone interested in preserving only originals or known working copies has a way to tell bad and good dumps apart; it's just that most people don't realise that that's what it's for.
My impression is that Kryoflux dumps can show if a professionally duplicated floppy has been modified in a computer. As such, a library of variously modified images in ADF format (which lacks all the low-level data) isn't necessary to establish if a dump is good or not. Just dump the available Workbench 1.3 floppies with Kryoflux and check if they've been written to, and the painstalking work of comparing dates and modifications isn't necessary. Except for rare stuff where all the available floppies are modified of course.
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