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Old 18 February 2017, 13:44   #10
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: UK
Posts: 4,747
The SPS games database isn't up to date! I've submitted games on various platforms that are not listed in their database, but they may already have dumps of those games but the database doesn't reflect that! Also, some games modify the disk before you can play so while SPS may have the game dumped, all dumps may be from modified versions so another reason they are not listed. Plus, like Thalion says about TOSEC, SPS is a 'hobby' project and their focus isn't on updating the database every day!

As for 'preserving' games, people have to be aware that their games need preserving in the first place, if people don't know this how can they possibly preserve them? Don't forget many Amiga users sold up long ago and all the games with them, some just binned all their games and others just left them rotting in garages or cellars so lord knows what condition they will be in! Some people, like me, kept most of their games in good condition and have submitted them all to SPS but I don't have every game or sent off for every update or newer version so another reason these updates/versions are not common.
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