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Old 14 February 2017, 02:53   #18
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16 colour version should be much faster. I recall modifying the "Monsters in the Dungeon" Blitz example to be a real-time joystick controlled game which used 4 bitplanes ( +4 bitplane background: ) and had 128 16 colour 8x8 "monsters" chasing the player with no slowdown on an A1200. Like you I was just using the regular blit command and clearing the playfield each frame so I expect you'll get similar results.

But I have a couple of ideas you might like to try. The first is to get large enemies moving and shooting lots of bullets without framerate drops. You could use a shape with transparency when the enemy is doing normal movement. Then it could stop moving for a moment (at a point where it lines up with the block commands 16 pixel requirement) and unleash a hail of bullets while being rendered with the background layer, before waiting until around half the bullets have left the screen before moving again.

And the second is if you were to make a two playfield (4+4) game, to constantly change the background pallet with the copper. I found I was able to modify 3 AGA colours per line (I think I recall reading that the max is 4), so if you have an entirely new 16 colour pallete every 16 lines then you've potentially got a few more colours available than you would using a single playfield 8 bitplane display.
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