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Old 12 February 2017, 10:32   #17
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Good to hear that it works fine on a real A1200.

The Player always staying at 50 FPS and never slowing down is achieved by a simple interrupt code, that automatically activates every time when the display beam has travelled the whole screen, and the "Vertical Blank" event takes place, at which point the interrupt code is executed. This interrupt code simply updates the sprite coordinates, and this always happens at 50 FPS, because the Amiga display itself always updates at 50 FPS.

However, this trick only works for sprites; if we tried to draw the BOBs at the interrupt, that would take too much time.

This is the first time when I even use the interrupt commands of Blitz, and I'm amazed how easy and simple they are, doing advanced stuff like this is as easy as Gosub + Return, and it even works on real hardware. Lots of new possibilities have opened here.

I also already have a 16 color version done, and as expected it's 20% faster than the 32 color version. I'll release it soon, maybe next weekend.
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