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Old 06 February 2017, 09:40   #14
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Tried it out on a real 1200 (030@40mhz). Pretty impressive but does slow down quite a lot when blitting the big bobs - don't see so much slow down on bullets so if your intention was to create a bullet hell engine - looks a real possibilty.
Most likely on such fast A1200 the speed started at 50 FPS and then sharply dropped to 25 FPS when a few of the bigger enemies were drawn, I noticed this happening on the emulator when testing it on a A1200 config.

A frame rate drop from 50 FPS to 25 FPS always looks very bad, but a drop from 25 FPS to 17 FPS isn't so noticeable. On A500 config it starts from 25 FPS, and so the slowdown doesn't look so bad.

Currently the FPS system in the demo is done in the wrong way, causing overspeed (50 FPS) on Amigas that are faster than the standard A500, and then slowing down when the blitting starts.

I'll try to fix this for this next version, so that the frame rate would stay at a stable 25/17 FPS on all Amigas.

I already got the Player sprite to run at 50 FPS at all times by updating it from the VBlank interrupt. But I'll check out that Aminet bb2vspr code to see if it contains something useful.

I don't know if you're considering doing this already, but I would consider drawing extra large stationary enemies (such as bosses) to the backdrop image. I think SWIV did this. Only problem I can think of is it will most likely require some additional game logic. But I imagine you've still got pleanty of CPU time, it's just using the Amiga's graphics chipset that's pushing the envelope.
Yes, this technique will surely be used if I start turning this demo into an actual game. And doing this is very simple, thanks to the flexible game object system, and the shared palette between the background and objects, and the Blitz "Block" command.
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