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Old 21 December 2016, 15:14   #1
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A1200 making really weird noises

OK I just discovered my A1200 is making stupid noises theough speakers whenever it does ANYTHING.

Here's a video:
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(you will probably have to turn the volume way up and/or use headphones).

This comes up clearly when I raise the volume quite a bit, but I could hear some of the noises when using it normally, in quiet moments, this is what brought my attention to it.

The machine has been recapped 2 years ago.
Could it be a PSU problem? This machine has a picoPSU.
My Amiga 600, also with a picoPSU, doesn't make this much noise. The constant "clicking" on the Workbench screen is most worrying.

Oh, ALSO I hear hear the disk drive noises through the speaker! When I insert it, when it's reading, it's like if the A1200 had a microphone inside amplifying all its computing sounds.

If needed, I can record this noise, amplify it and put it here (I should have done that but it was late at night and couldn't think straight :P)
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