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Old 07 December 2016, 19:10   #1
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Tinylauncher 3 Tooltype Support?

My Tinylauncher crashes on game selection whenever Tooltype support is enabled (by pressing 'T'). Is there a fix for this? What is the benefit of tooltype support? Do some WHDLoads come with important prefs stored in the tooltypes?

More importantly:
Why in god's name does WHDLoad save its prefs in the tooltypes in the .info file, and not in a little .ini file in the game directory? Tooltypes are pretty much impossible to use from the command line, only by clicking on the icon. Who launches their games by clicking on the icons?

If there was at least an option to specify the .info on the command line so that whdload will read the tooltypes...

Tooltypes are the most clunky part of Amiga OS IMO. Badly thought out and useless from CLI. Most mysterious behaviour I fought with in Amiga OS was because of some obscure tool type settings somewhere. The main problem of tooltypes is an important one: complete inconsistency between clicking on a program and launching from CLI, without any indication of what is going on. Storing important program preferences in the icon file is just a ridiculously bad idea IMO.
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