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Old 29 October 2016, 15:02   #422
Posts: n/a
Disappointed to hear this news & the whole ebay reseller issue. Kickstart campaign or assistance from a company like Cloanto might help the situation or raise funds for wages and QA.

I always thought the nature of the FPGA would enable some form of (hardware) DRM or one seat-license attached to it preventing a resale or reflashing in future.

I wouldn't mind a 20% hike in price if there was some guarantee the unit I buy is 'mine' and not for resale without me officially de-registering it & agreeing to a predetermined listing price on a place like Amibay. That type of system might have the benefit of any pre-owned units having a quick QA and reflash at a standard fee whilst the liscense is in escrow. Anyway getting off topic trying to fix ebay scammer problems.

Hope the Apollo team are well and continue to make cool stuff :-)
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