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Old 07 October 2016, 21:02   #1
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Cardiff, UK
Age: 51
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Listening to Amiga music with too much treble makes it sound terrible!

I have two ways in which I listen to Amiga music, amongst other platforms: My main PC with WinUAE and original Amiga files with Skullcandy earphones with a lot of bass, and on my Android phone with a bunch of MP4s (videos) of Amiga demos with a low-ish bitrate and earphones with a lot of treble, and I can really hear every little imperfection and noise on the latter.

All I can say is, Amiga music is best heard with little treble, as all the clicks and hiss and low sample rate and noise and even low bitrate artefacts are blended out, leaving just the melody and the intended sound.

I remember, a year after having had my A500 in 1990, ordering some device called the Sound Enhancer, thinking it would make my Amiga sound better, but it simply boosted the treble... a LOT. Ultimately, I didn't use it. Amiga music sounds better with little treble, frankly.
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