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Old 24 July 2016, 19:02   #28
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Did you ever get passed this? I'm experiencing the same problem today!


Originally Posted by D-Fresh View Post
It's been a few years since i used an amiga, but want to get back into this. I'm going to buy an amiga but for starters i am using FS-UAE on my macbook. I have been following this guide a few times but it simply doesn't work for me. When installation is done and it boots from HD all i get is a command prompt. And sometimes the hard drive doesn't boot at all but it shows up when i boot from the rescue floppy. The hard disk image is a 4Gb vhd file, installed, partitioned and formatted in workbench using HDTool. This is my configuration:


amiga_model = A4000/040

cdrom_drive_count = 1
cdrom_image_0 = /Users/d-fresh/Documents/Amiga/AmigaOS/3.9/AmigaOS3.9/AmigaOS39.iso

floppy_drive_count = 2
floppy_image_0 = /Users/d-fresh/Documents/FS-UAE/Floppies/EmergencyFloppy.adf
floppy_image_1 = /Users/d-fresh/Documents/Amiga/AmigaOS/3.1/amiga-os-310-workbench.adf

hard_drive_0 = /Users/d-fresh/Documents/FS-UAE/HD/AmigaOS3.9.vhd
hard_drive_0_controller = ide0
hard_drive_0_type = rdb

zorro_iii_memory = 65536

uaegfx_card = 1
bsdsocket_library = 1
writable_floppy_images = 1
floppy_drive_volume = 0


I have tried again. After installation of Os 3.9 is finished and i'm rebooting it seems like it is booting off the hard-disk image. But it stops at the command-prompt. loadwb does not work, in fact no commands work. When i shut the machine off and start it up all i see is the amiga kickstart-animation. It's as if the hard disk doesn't exist. At least it doesn't boot from it. If i boot from the rescue-disk then the hard drive shows up in WB. I'd appreciate some help...
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