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Old 25 May 2016, 04:16   #17
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Join Date: Dec 2014
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Posts: 10
Wish you guys would let the guy making the video know you're whispering behind his back. :P I would be proud for anyone here to comment on my video, positive or negative, and link the thread. It would also give a guy who spent quite a lot of time/energy, and indeed love on the topic feel like it's not all for nothing.

Thanks for the overall kinder comments vs Lemon, although I have indeed seen previous discussions of my videos here, kind it has not always been. Sadly that's the main reason I do not frequent forums much. You might notice this account was created quite a long time ago, yet I've never posted here. It can be quite hard for the passion/love of this particular topic not to make some feel there's an arrogance there, to fight back for the things they remember, and to dismiss all evidence presented to them.

If I come off like an asshole, apologies. I can't say I regret anything about those videos though. I can't guarantee anybody will enjoy a video of mine, but I can make one guarantee most others can't, and that is that I never uploaded a single video I did not want to watch. Not that I love myself, but if that topic/game had been done in the exact same way by someone else I would have sat through the entire thing. I can do that with my videos. I do them for me, not a single soul else, I'm not looking to become big, I know that would destroy the quality quite honestly. I do them in case I lose my mind and forget everything, then I have these videos to remember video games that truly effected my life.

I feel those here and on Lemon do not appreciate the wealth of American games. As stated here, there is no proper database for country origins, those that claim numbers do not know what they are talking about. I was here then, I saw the games, and I'm telling all of you I could review only American Amiga games for the rest of my life and I wold have plenty of material to work with. Not just "material" mind you, but good material. American games were often top notch titles, unforgettable titles, hall of fame worthy titles... Take out of the equation European budget titles and America is nothing to laugh about with the Amiga.

The only reason you don't see more of an American presence on YouTube and forums is frankly because the market was utterly different. Something never discussed... American Amiga users were 20-40 years old back then, computer hobbyists, artists, creative types... Intelligent people that made money. They bought the machines... Quite a bit more than a lot of people give credit for. I'd be bold enough to say more Amigas were sold here than anywhere other than Germany. And not just Amiga 500's, practically all 2000's and 3000's (200,000 Amiga 3000's sold in America, almost none anywhere else) were sold. Hard drives were huge add on devices here, we all bought the 1mb expansion and some much more.

The people who bought the Amiga in America back then are now 50-70 years old... They're just not here everyone... It does not mean they didn't love the Amiga just as much as anyone else in the world. It just means they got other things they're busy with.

In Europe, it was utterly different. The people making videos for the Amiga and talking on these forums were primarily children when the Amiga was new. Now in there late 20's to mid 30's... Perfect age to be on YouTube and share their passions.

Guys I've seen this computer described as a European creation... I've heard talk about stupid American's that didn't "get it" and how messed up Commodore was in not selling that thing at Toys R Us like in Europe... This all comes from a strong misunderstanding of the two markets. Kids had the NES here, there was no need for platformers on the Amiga in America. There was no way Commodore could have stood a chance against the consoles... and in all honesty, despite lots of Amiga love out there, all consoles destroyed the Amgia in terms of sales everywhere in the world, even the NES.

I've researched it all very heavily... Spent way more time than I care to admit doing that... I just wish for my love to be validated... It has not been. All I get is people dismissing America and saying without any proof what so ever that almost all games were made in Europe... That NTSC games are soo small in number... That's not love... It's not... And it's not backed by any facts OR personal experience. It hurts quite honestly.

Most NTSC games work perfectly fine in PAL mode, other than the speed slowing down and the pictures being stretched into widescreen. Many PAL games will freeze up on an NTSC machine... So for compatibility you guys won, WinUAE and all Amiga emulators default to PAL mode.

If the opposite was true... If no NTSC games would run in PAL mode, this dismissal of American content would end right away. There's wonderful games out there guys, real men and women were behind them...

Artists... And that's where I come from... When I saw Jim Sachs nearly cry over NOBODY showing his games right I did cry... I did... That's love... These games are art... If any of you disagree why are you here talking about games and systems made so long ago? You all must believe this is art...If you do, then Jim said... Just consider it... Just consider what the artist meant for you to see, research... If you try it yourself you'll never go back.

I'm not here to dismiss all European games, I'm not here to say forget about PAL mode... Perhaps I went a little strong in the videos, it's simply because there is enough footage of all these games, European and American shown how Europeans saw them... There is no footage showing these games how American's saw them... If I made those videos with "if this than do this, if that than do this" I would have lost everyone. Too much effort. I know there are a lot of PAL games, most of you out there do not know there are a lot of NTSC games. When we're dead, when anyone who had every used the Amiga is gone... This will be all that's left... These writings and these videos and screenshots... They're all wrong when concerning America games, all of them... I am, at this moment, very sorry to say, the only person showing American games correctly as the designers intended you to see them.

That's how I define "correct". It's not because I remember the games in 4:3, it is because the designers of these games played them in 4:3. It's not an opinion, it is a fact, those games were meant to be played in NTSC mode.

I thank my friend, the gentleman octopus for bringing this to you all. I'm a member here, I could have done it myself, I'm not here to whore myself out though. I have a point to make, I hope I'll find a few that will want to come aboard along the way... But what I said deserves to be seen, like me or not. It's a big problem and sadly it's just not discussed enough. Discuss it more please, make a real list, do some real research, and then say how much more important Europe was.

I'll make another post about things like "circles" and stuff, spoiler alert guys, circles do not mean anything when it comes to the Amiga. And I can prove it.
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