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Old 23 April 2016, 15:05   #12
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Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Germany
Posts: 78
Thanks, here is the next batch:

Bill's Tomato Game (box signed by Bill Pullan)
Castle Master (UK)
Colonization (German)
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
DuckTales (German)
Fatman (AGA, German)
Flamingo Tours
Indianapolis 500 (Budget, German)
Lemmings (CD32, alternate box)
Micro Machines (alternate disk)
Morph (ECS)
Nobby the Aardvark(*)
Populous (Budget, German)
Simon the Sorcerer (AGA, German)
Trolls (ECS)
Worms (CD32)
Zool 2 (new postcard)

(*): I've scanned the C64 box of Nobby the Aardvark because 3 of the 4 screenshots on the back side look like they have been taken from the Amiga version that was still a WIP when the C64 version was released. So it's very likely that they would have used the C64 box for the Amiga version as well. So maybe you want to add these two to the "Miscshot" section...

Also, I think that there is a mistake in the Simon the Sorcerer AGA box shots: The German box pictured there looks like the ECS version box. I've uploaded box and disk scans from the German Simon the Sorcerer AGA version for you to compare.

Finally, someone should fix the captcha that pops up after 100 site accesses. I'm constantly getting banned because of too many site accesses but of course I've to synchronize my collection with what is already on HOL. It's impossible to override the captcha. I always have to reset the router to get a new IP address to continue browsing through HOL...

More to come!
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