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Old 05 April 2016, 11:38   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2016
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Posts: 78
Box scan contributions delay


at the end of January I uploaded 20 box scans (front and back covers) of boxes not featured on HOL to the FTP server but so far AFAICS not a single scan has been added to the HOL. I also haven't been given any credit points for the scans.

I was planning to upload many more scans from my collection including some really rare and exotic editions of Amiga games but the fact that not a single scan has made it into HOL and that I haven't even been given any credit yet is somewhat demotivating.

So before I tackle this time-consuming task of comparing my large collection of Amiga games with what is present in HOL and what is not I'd first like to ask for a status update here on how long this is going to take to get the scans into HOL and especially when credit points are given?


A. Falkenhahn
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