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Old 28 March 2016, 22:50   #1
Posts: n/a
Relative files paths in a WinUAE configuration file

Hello, since a time i am developping a great games launcher and working at the moment on the Amiga family machines support.

The launcher doesn't need to be installed, it can be fully used from an external hard drive. I automatized the creation of a configuration file but i have troubles with relative file paths in a .UAE file.

At the moment the launcher is run on an external drive F:\.

### An example of the directory could be :
|_ emu
|_ Kickstart
| |_ Kickstart v1.3.rom
|_ Configurations
| |_ AMC.uae
|_ WinUAE.exe

### Inside AMC.UAE (the concerned lines only) :
kickstart_rom_file=./Kickstart/Kickstart v1.3.rom

### And of course the run command line, the current directory having been before set to "emu" :
WinUAE.exe -f "AMC.UAE"

The problem is that .\Configurations is seen as a directory of the Window "Shared Documents\Amiga Files\WinUAE" and NOT as the "Configurations" directory in the current directory. The "AMC.uae" file isn't found on startup so.

So a very simple question : how to set relative file paths in an .UAE configuration file, the goal is to run ANY .UAE file from ANY drive location (independently of the drive letter so) ?

To write "on the fly" the absolute file paths of the "Kickstart" and "Configurations" directories WORKS obviously, but it isn't what i want. The goal is to write an .UAE file once and be able to run it by using a "-f" command independently of the launcher drive letter and root directory.

Thanks in advance fo your help about the above trouble, hope there is a simple way to do it .

I will open a WIP thead very soon on EAB to have your opinions and will of course upload a lot of screenshots.

Last edited by Vollldo; 28 March 2016 at 23:03.
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