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Old 25 February 2016, 23:21   #2
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Originally Posted by blade002 View Post
I rather odd thing happened yesterday, I am not quite sure but after not switching my Amiga on for about 4 months I turned it on only to find the Power LED was dimming on and off and then the Amiga was consistently on it's own resetting itself over and over?

It's an A1200 with a Blizzard 68030@50mhz with 16MegFast, an IDE Buffered Interface Device and a 70gig HD.

After taking it apart and blew some dust out of it, did a visual check of the Motherboard, everything looks like new even after 24 years of owning it, no sign in the slightest of leaky Caps..etc..

I unplugged the IDE Buffered Device and plugged it back in, fiddled with the floppy cables, checked the 68030 board..etc put it all back together again and then it was perfectly fine??

What could it have been?

BTW - I realise I have put this post in the wrong section of EAB, I was going to delete it and then re-post in the correct locality but couldn't find a delete function
It's electronics, basically you reseated the parts/components that probably had a loose or no connection and the process of reseating the connectors is what fixed it

Not so different then when a PCI/PCIe/ISA bus expansion card doesn't work, power off and pull the card, check for dust and reseat.
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