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Old 26 November 2015, 05:27   #71
Code Kitten
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Montreal/Canadia
Age: 52
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Ah, I really could not find any mention of CD32 pad compatibility in the doc, maybe it is there but then it is well hidden and not present in the features list.

Regarding input remapping, there is no way in kitten's hell I would be doing that for specific games. Adding generic support for the protocol yes, but slaves adaptations should be reduced to the strict minimum.

Support for more than three button controllers should come in the form of a generic input-remapping API so that slaves can simply declare which inputs they are capable of handling (say, directional + four digital inputs). Controller selection + game-specific remapping can then be done via the WHDLoad game selection menu.

No point in redoing the same work over and over for each slave and moreover the people who worked on the slaves are the most qualified to replace the input reading code by calls to the aforementioned API.

Let's make a deal: there are dozens and dozens of stale bug reports in the WHDLoad database, many of them useless because users did not respond to coders's follow up questions or provide enough information in the first place to reproduce the bugs.
If the community of WHDLoad users takes it into their hands to reproduce and document say 20 of the oldest ones so that they can finally be taken care of, then I will add input remapping support to WHDLoad. (Registered version only obviously).

Erratum: Huh, looks like I should have read the docs more in depth, WHDLoad already has input remapping support
so the only addition needed should be for additional controllers protocols.
My offer still stands, though much reduced in scope.

Erratum2: It looks like I am full of kangaroos tonight and can't read docs properly.
What I mistook for input remapping seems to instead be a simple rawkey to ascii keyboard translation feature.
So, *if* I am currently interpreting correctly the WHDLoad autodocs correctly, WHDLoad does currently *not* have input remapping.
And thus, I gladly offer to add it, in exchange for community contribution to the bug reports.

(And if I'm wrong, well, I'll figure what to do later when I'm less tired and prone to error. )

Last edited by ReadOnlyCat; 26 November 2015 at 05:53. Reason: Added erratum & erratum 2.
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