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Old 16 November 2015, 23:49   #1
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GRAC -making games and resources


I've always been interested in making a point and click adventure using GRAC but have been put off by thinking the software is very clumsy and hard to access.

Recently I have download the software and started making a tutorial on how to create a game with it. I have been making slow but steady progress. So far, I have

  1. created a character
  2. loaded a room
  3. edited the script to include conversations between two characters
  4. edited the script to make the player move between locations
What I was wondering, was whether other people are interested in learning how to make a point and click adventure, using this software or whether they would be willing to contribute music, characters, rooms, plot ideas for a small adventure (my initial idea is a small survival - B movie theme of a school boy fighting off either a zombie or alien invasion in a leafy suburb)

If there is enough interest, I will add resources to this thread such as room graphics, character graphics and mini guides on how to use GRAC.

In the meantime - below is hopefully a screen shot which has resulted from me working through the tutorials included on the GRAC user disk.

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