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Old 20 September 2015, 00:03   #11
FS-UAE Developer
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64-bit JIT FPU being broken wasn't surprising. This code hasn't been checked for 64-bit compatibility yet. So in future commits, comfpu option will default to 0 for 64-bit versions.

Regarding the 32-bit JTI FPU and the font rendering - does "future version" behave worse than the current development version? Or is the behavior the same?

Regarding accuracy, an important point is that there's completely different code involved with interpreter FPU emulation and JIT FPU emulation. I don't know if the JIT FPU is supposed to have the same accuracy. But there is an additional option, you can try
uae_fpu_strict = 1
(uae_fpu_strict = 0 means "faster, but less strict rounding" according to source code).

Last edited by FrodeSolheim; 20 September 2015 at 01:56. Reason: Fixed typo, should be uae_fpu_strict
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