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Old 04 March 2015, 16:02   #26
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Originally Posted by Paul_s View Post
Looks like the 'black box' prototype is the hub for the breadboard custom chips (I can't see any custom chips on the motherboard?)

edit: Yes, according to the text file 'ovale' posted above;

"In 1983 we made a motherboard for the breads to be plugged in, took this to the CES show

So that 'black box' prototype is from the 1983 CES show.
No, the black box unit is definitely much later than that. And it does have custom chips on its motherboard. Look at this pic. Date code on the MOS 6526 is 1884 (week 18 of 1984). The latest chip date code I can see in that pic is 8445 (on the 74HC112 to the left and slightly below the Portia chip). So at the earliest, that unit was made in late 1984.

The pic here shows the Portia chip (later known as Paula) at the bottom centre. "4703" is written on it. That chip looks to be on some kind of "kludge board", that board plugging into the socket on the motherboard. That may obscure another of the custom chips which could be plugged directly into the motherboard. Another board with what looks like the mouse port connectors on (lower right of the above pic) could obscure another custom chip.

The serial number label on the side says
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