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-   -   Whatever happened to the ST haters ? (https://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=6134)

Jim 31 August 2002 04:52

Whatever happened to the ST haters ?
This post is in no way intended to troll, or annoy ST lovers but I feel I have to post this.

You might remember when I first joined this board (early this year) when I made some jibes about the Atari ST, and today I have just made another one.


Because I hate the Atari. It's a crap machine compared to the Amiga.

Why do I hate the Atari?

Because I remember back in 1990. Most Amiga owners hated the Atari - we used to envy showing ST owners our version of "their games" on our Amiga. With the better music, better graphics etc...

The Atari died, the Amiga carried on living for a while. This was a great moment.

Now both machines are dead (commercially) I still cannot adjust my mind. I still cannot bring myself round to liking Atari. I love Amiga, liking Atari would be like cheating on a old girlfriend (Amiga if you're Spanish!).

Why would I want to emulate an inferior machine when I can emulate the Amiga ? Why even waste my time with Gem or whatever it's called.

Does anyone else feel like this ?

Or am I the only Amiga-loving Atari-hating person left in the world ?

Why is this English Amiga Board full of so many Atari lovers? Why aren't they on the English Atari Board ?

When I think something I normally like to tell things how I see them. I tell it like it is.

Sorry if it upsets you ST fans, but I still hate your machine and pity anybody still using one.

Amiga1992 31 August 2002 05:46

I don't hate the Atari, but in an Atari St vs Amiga mtch, I always jump for the Amiga.

I love every computer except the PC :P I am an Amiga-lover/PC-hater. I think PC fanboys were/are the most detestable userbase ever. Even more than ST users.

Jim 31 August 2002 06:16

Hey guys, come into IRC's #abime.net channel now for a chat to try and persuade me to like the ST !

I'm bored and can't sleep.

And I'm the only one in this channel so it looks like I'm running it !

Fred the Fop 31 August 2002 09:55

I loved my STE. Could not afford an Amiga at the time. What happened to the haters? I dunno. But who cares? Its a dead, tired, worthless debate about two old ass computers. Now people argue PC vs Mac. Thats where all the haters went, I guess.

Twistin'Ghost 31 August 2002 12:15

PC's and Mac's both suck. What a boring debate that would be. And before this thread even began, I took a hard jab at the ST in a different thread, so there's still a few of us left. Compared to the stiff, corporate machines like PC's and Macs, playing games on an ST might seem colourful. But since Amiga gaming will always exist, there's only a handful of reasons to ever fire up an ST emulator (and that's for the small handful of games that the Amiga didn't get). Were those games even worth it? ST users carry on about Oids (and Dungeon Master) as if they revolutionized civilization or something but neither game would make my Top 100 list (neither DM, nor Oids if it were on the Amiga). I always found the Tramiel clan to be pondscum, I hate those faggy, slanted function keys (can someone explain the wisdom behind these anomalies of normalcy?), TOS should have been called TOSH (for Tramiel's Old Shitty Hackjob)... I could go on and on, but I'll catch my breath first.


Pyromania 31 August 2002 12:27

The ST sucked and still sucks end of story. It never had something like a Video Toaster, ImageFX, Wildfire and even lost out on Pagestream updates after a while. Sure it had Midi ports, a 0.10 cent add on at the factory. No killer apps to be found on the ST. Atari computers lost their soul when the designer of the Atari 400 & 800 left Atari to design the Amiga. Yes it was Jay Miner. Any fan of the early Atari computers that kept up on machine design would know that the Amiga was the next logical step not the ST. Loyalty to the engineers not the suits or the business stiffs I say.

The ST sucks end of story. It is a a cheap $20 whore in the dark alley next to the becon of light and purity that is Amiga.

Fred the Fop 31 August 2002 12:35

When I was an ST user, I drooled over having an Amiga 1200. My freind sold me his ST back in '92 or so when he got a sizzling Amiga 1200. No question about it, Amiga's games, hardware and OS were far better. But some games were better on the Atari St than the Amiga. Another good reason to use an Atari St emu is for games that made it to both systems, but cannot be emlated on the Amiga emus yet, like the holy grail of Amiga emulation, Dragon's Breath. As Twist said, some games never made it to the Amiga, like Night Raider/Dive Bomber. Or did it?
But this debate has as much merit as a wormy pile of dog feces. Its worthless. Its 2002 guys.
Not 1985.

Twistin'Ghost 31 August 2002 12:40

Did we hit a sore spot? It never fails! Hehehe...and it's so EASY!

Sorry, Frederic...it's just in fun. Mind you, I hate the ST, but bagging on it is inconsequential. And doing so in no way suggests any real war going on betwixt the two machines. It's as nostalgic as reading old BBS captures.

And hey...what's up with that fly on the cursor? Oh wait...I know...flies are attracted to piles of shit...[SNIP!]


Twistin'Ghost 31 August 2002 12:42

Oh yeah...almost forgot. I also was hoping to annoy you with said comments since you have draped your EAB identity in a brown paper sack with that Senior Member, avatar-less pap. What's up with that? Or is this the kind of behaviour we can expect from ex-ST users?


Fred the Fop 31 August 2002 12:46

EAB Fred is bland from here on in dude.
Another thing..I woulda traded 10 ST's for an Amiga 1200. But I was a poor pizzaria worker at the time :sad

Twistin'Ghost 31 August 2002 13:09

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Frederic
EAB Fred is bland from here on in dude.
Another thing..I woulda traded 10 ST's for an Amiga 1200. But I was a poor pizzaria worker at the time :sad

Dude...just razzing you for fun! What's up with the new bland Fred? This thread should be cracking you up! Here...I'll try again.

OK, I stand corrected. Just found a few ST games that sadly never made it to the Amiga. Knowing that the Amiga never got these rare classics, I officially deem the ST worth owning!

Fred the Fop 31 August 2002 13:20

LOL!!! Willya relax, I love getting razzed! The only thing that gets a rise out of me nowadays is international politics/elations and the debates that come with it. Let someone else get angry over Atari St bashing :lol

Fred the Fop 31 August 2002 14:24

And you are totally correct about the slimy, sub human Tramiels, Twist.

Jim 31 August 2002 14:26

You're all joking, but I'm serious !

I do hate the ST !

I hate the PC too, but because of work and it's the cheapest modern machine you can get I have to have one at home :(

Plus it also emulates an Amiga reasonably well, and runs Linux which I'll install one day.

Apple's are nice - but expensive.

Fred the Fop 31 August 2002 14:38

I would like to install Linux, but I hear its very user unfreindly, has a steep learning curve and is rough around the edges. And worst of all, how would I run my PC apps on it?

Jim 31 August 2002 14:48


Originally posted by Frederic
I would like to install Linux, but I hear its very user unfreindly, has a steep learning curve and is rough around the edges. And worst of all, how would I run my PC apps on it?
That's exactly why I haven't intalled it yet !

I long for some smart-ass to write Workbench 2003 or something will full Amiga compatability plus full Windoze compatibility.

It would be cool to have a OS that needed less than 100 meg of diskspace, and was as friendly as Workbench.

Puzzle 31 August 2002 15:35


Originally posted by Pyromania
Sure it had Midi ports, a 0.10 cent add on at the factory. No killer apps to be found on the ST.
What about Cubase? Logic Audio? Those are the killer-apps on the ST, due to those MIDI-ports.

Too bad that the Amiga never had any MIDI-ports as standard, or it would probably have sold better.

Also, the Atari had Calamus and some really good serious software. And it had most of the games that the Amiga had, but with not as good graphics and sound.

Don't flame me for defending the ST. I own both an Amiga and Atari, so I know what I'm talking about.

7-Zark-7 31 August 2002 17:15


Originally posted by Frederic
And you are totally correct about the slimy, sub human Tramiels, Twist.
Hey Fred & Twistin'-just remember if it wasn't for their departure from Commodore,(or ousting-can't recall which it was.), then Atari would've dissapeared a lot sooner...but it's probably good the boardroom battles continued. I think the only reason the idiot boardroom CBM men-in-suits were "foward-thinking" enough to buy the Amiga company was purely to stop Atari aquiring it!!

Antiriad 31 August 2002 17:47

The ST. It was light and compact, had a built in power supply, built in tv modulator, built in MIDI interface and its GUI also built in.

But...it lacked stereo output, no Scart port, a daft old fashioned looking monitor conector, pathetic slow cumbersome external hard drives, EXTREMELY annoying joystick and mouse ports, stupid looking F keys, took a military operation to upgrade its RAM, a dreadful unfriendly UGLY os in Gem, sound was plainly woeful (8bit if anything), worse graphics with less colours, useless scrolling, inferior (and less) games and single density disk drives.

I always cursed Tramiel when i and my friend had to jack up his ST to put in a second Joystick instead of the damn mouse!!!

Needless to say when i showed him my new Amiga 1200 he decided to buy one also :D

Don't get me wrong, i don't hate the ST. I own several and had more early 16bit experiences with them. BUT, i know of its many faults and that it was inferior. Amiga was ALWAYS the daddy.

Jim 31 August 2002 18:20

Oh yeah.

Just like Xenon II.

Wow that ST music was funky !! :D

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