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jPV 31 March 2020 16:02


Originally Posted by Steril707 (Post 1388676)
That time I would have loved to have a good working Amiga derived OS. Tried out AROS for instance, but wasn't so happy with it. Maybe MorphOS would have been better, I don't know.

I'm pretty sure you would have been quite happy with MorphOS, it's way more mature than AROS or OS4 (which also is more mature than AROS). I've been using all these in some degree when betatesting my programs on different platforms, but as a honest opinion, AROS is too buggy, incompatible, and doesn't have anyone to make a really polished distribution, so I can't imagine using it as a daily setup myself.

Codetsu 01 April 2020 12:44

A2000 BBS is online 24/7 and there is always waiting for something to do
the design of the circuit boards uses the A1200 and now also the A4000 which is in reserve if the BBS machine breaks down
I read email and browse Aminet
maybe some Amiga is on 5 days a week for some purpose other than maintaining the BBS

Valken 02 April 2020 11:34

MorphOS is targetted at PPC so it almost as limited as running AmigaOS on 68K or PPC.

I like AROS for the fact that I can run it on an x86 box, virtual or not.

WinUAE with AmigaOS 3.x still has limits for me as a daily drive as I NEED to work with cloud based apps and SaaS now for work.

Even at home, I need streaming video, music and webGL for the kids.

AROS in Bridge mode allows me to launch FireFox hosted on Windows to pull this off.

I saw AmigaSystem setting up AmigaOS using Windows Launcher over WinUAE to do this in his older AfAOne releases. So that may be an option for a near no compromised solution.

Edders 03 April 2020 10:45

Not daily, but at least two/three times per week I use my A1200 for assembly coding as well as some writing. Still have to setup my email on it so I can use it for that as well.

stevelord 18 October 2020 12:47

Just by way of an update to my earlier post, having spent more time with my A4000 I'm using it for serious writing, I wrote a resignation letter not too long ago and I write parts of my fortnightly newsletter on it. I analyse COVID data and am tracking my portoflio in final calc, but am looking at moving to Amibroker or Homebank for the latter.

Most days I'll check Aminet on there in IBrowse, whack on some music in EaglePlayer and pipe it through to my speakers. I use Slack and Telegram on my Amiga via AmIRC going to a Bitlbee server. Having Telegram access from my Amiga lets me control things online via bots. I haven't rebuilt my home automation system because I'm selling the house but if I would've I'd have used a Telegram bot to manage lighting from my Amiga. I also use stunnel for RSS via AmRSS but I'm less bothered as I have better ways of consuming RSS. I'm using my Amiga mostly for creative work (as it should be), but almost daily.

Right now I'm playing with touching up stock photos to create photorealistic 16 and 32 colour versions. I want to get comfortable with the process before I start on my own photography. I'm also converting albums to a format called ADP4, which I estimate to be similar to Minidisc LP quality but works really well on the Amiga. I'm still looking for some decent ADP4 playing C code to steal so I can put network support in and restream other content over the network.

Some things I've found really helpful for anyone looking for things to do on their Amiga:

It's also worth casually flicking through old Amiga Format and CU Amiga mags to find things that take your fancy. There's a lot that we just don't do anymore on computers like Scala and CanDo pieces, but there's also a lot of useful tips on things like Deluxe Paint, or references to interesting special interest tools you might've missed.

The thing that gets me is that there's this huge library of professional software - I mean software that was used in Hollywood, businesses, everywhere and it's fine to use now, and it's all there, documented and freely available.

Whatever your itch there is almost certainly Amiga software to scratch it.

Pyromania 19 October 2020 16:39


Originally Posted by Edders (Post 1383530)
Still use my A1200 multiple times a week. Just love programming assembly on it!

What’s the best resource to learn Amiga ASM programming?

AF2013 19 October 2020 21:27

I used Amiga 1200 sometime and now I have installed AmiKit which seem interesting one and not sure what software is must have on Amikit apart from Deluxe paint and SAS C 6.50.

klx300r 19 October 2020 21:39

I use my X1000 with OS4.1FE everyday for streaming Tunenet while working on some spreadsheets for work, email, gaming etc. My classics are always apart getting fixed and I actually finally put the case on my A1200 desktop but then had to open up my A4000 due to a sound problem...always action (mostly good and some bad too eh)happening in my http://mancave-ramblings.blogspot.com/

Pyromania 19 October 2020 21:40


Originally Posted by klx300r (Post 1435729)
I use my X1000 with OS4.1FE everyday for streaming Tunenet while working on some spreadsheets for work, email, gaming etc. My classics are always apart getting fixed and I actually finally put the case on my A1200 desktop but then had to open up my A4000 due to a sound problem...always action (mostly good and some bad too eh)happening in my http://mancave-ramblings.blogspot.com/

I wonder if OS4.1FE will ever come out of a Pre-Release state.

klx300r 19 October 2020 21:51

@ Pyromania

well who knows when we can finally get to OS4.2 or even 5.0 but at least I can say I'm enjoying using it every day and happy as always with the Amiga community...now if only the new Amiga Inc. and Hyperion and A-Eon can come to some type of agreement moving forward to OS4.2 or 5.0 that would be amazing...then again AmiWest is around the corner...virtually anyhow;)

stevelord 19 October 2020 22:01

@Pyromania the Scoopex tutorial I linked earlier is the best Amiga asm coding tutorial I've seen but it's quite long and very demo focused.

Spriteer 06 July 2021 00:16

Just cannot find time to use daily. I use maybe a couple of times a week playing games and watching demos or doing some kind of fine-tuning to my collection.

gimbal 06 July 2021 13:23


Originally Posted by Spriteer (Post 1494319)
Just cannot find time to use daily. I use maybe a couple of times a week playing games and watching demos or doing some kind of fine-tuning to my collection.

... you are describing a healthy restraint as if it is something terrible :)

Mrs Beanbag 07 July 2021 16:03

i will probably be using mine a lot more often again from now on, since i tidied up the pile of things that was on top of it, lmao

lyzanxia 18 August 2021 11:45

Few days a week to mostly watch demos and tune the whd collection. Most fun I have is tinkering with the hardware (just did the gotek motor mod, just because I could :) )

fxgogo 18 August 2021 13:30

I use mine at least twice a week now that I am writing for Amiga Addict. It has been fantastic. These machines were just sitting in the cupboard. Now they are restored and are being used again. I really get to appreciate the system and software that I sort of took for granted when I was young.

scarrabri 01 September 2021 04:41

Forever Amiga
Imust be classed as a sado because i am always on my Amiga 1200 and love browsing ,gaming, and loads more whilst my 2pc , lay there gathering dust and may soon get religated to the attic giving me and the Amiga more time to bond lol

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