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DamienD 28 May 2019 19:27

Had an issue when I first tried via emulation, basically getting a "Halt" at the title screen before the music started to play:


This was due to having "Generic" set for "Chipset Extra"; changing to "A1200" fixed this.

Also the music and sound fx were slow / messed up; make sure you don't have any "Cycle-exact" ticked... even only "Cycle-exact (DMA/Memory accesses)", which gets set when using an A1200 Quickstart.

Predseda 28 May 2019 19:34

This time it looks really well :agree
See you at Bill.

buzzybee 28 May 2019 19:45

Thanks for playing the game. It´s kind of amazing – the game is not even officially released, and already you guys are shooting videos. Just great!

@funk: I think you can see already that RESHOOT R has improved considerably since the predecessor; much more than so than I originally had planned when I started the project almost three years ago.

@all who play on an emulator: I really recommend to play this on original hardware, because RESHOOT R performs best there. Main reason for this is the 50 / 60 hertz video framerate gap, which no emulator can bridge perfectly. Also as the game uses the AGA-chipset quite extensively (e.g. by using rather complex copperlists), emulators really have a hard time to keep the framerate up where it belongs – which is 50 Hertz. I never got stages 4 and 5 running totally smooth on the FS UAE / iMac. It´s very playable there too, no doubt, but you have the best experience on real AGA; Fast-RAM or better recommended.

attila06 28 May 2019 20:07

Will try tomorow on my 1230.
Tried with my blizzard 1260 doesn't work after the title screen when level 1 should start.....

I have found why, i changed my indivision résolution and it Rocks.

vulture 28 May 2019 22:34

on the technical side of things, I think ReshootR is almost an AGA "killer app".

Predseda 29 May 2019 00:36

Great stream, thank you for all, buzzybee and the team!

Retro-Nerd 29 May 2019 00:53


@all who play on an emulator: I really recommend to play this on original hardware, because RESHOOT R performs best there. Main reason for this is the 50 / 60 hertz video framerate gap, which no emulator can bridge perfectly. Also as the game uses the AGA-chipset quite extensively (e.g. by using rather complex copperlists), emulators really have a hard time to keep the framerate up where it belongs – which is 50 Hertz. I never got stages 4 and 5 running totally smooth on the FS UAE / iMac. It´s very playable there too, no doubt, but you have the best experience on real AGA; Fast-RAM or better recommended.

Smooth 50Hz PAL in emulation is no problem at all. You just need a proper display. Strange that so many peope still think that 50Hz capable displays (PC monitor or TV) are some kind of exotic. It's pretty much standard since FullHD/HDReady displays were available.

Though a lot of people seems to use their laptops for emulation and there it can be problematic since a lot of machines don't support real 50Hz. At least not with the laptop display. HDMI out is another thing and should work fine, given that a proper display is connected.

buzzybee 29 May 2019 01:01

@vulture: Thanks a lot, glad you like to the way the game looks and sounds – which is also a AGA-thing because a large part of the 2 MB chip memory of the AGA-system is used for music and SFX.

@Predseda: Thanks for watching. Was great fun to do the stream!

@Retro-Nerd: On iMac and Macbook I never got 50 hertz, not even when using HDMI-out on Macbook. But I´d be grateful for any hints on how to achieve that.

Retro-Nerd 29 May 2019 01:04


@Retro-Nerd: On iMac and Macbook....

This is US PC stuff. I'm pretty sure they never cared for 50Hz output. Windows and Linux though have no problem with it. ;)

vulture 29 May 2019 09:42


I've a couple of technical questions if you may:

1. Would it be possible to make the game work out of floppies?
2. On a CD32, could you make it run and play the music from the cd audio tracks?

I'm asking out of pure curiosity, I'm not trying to ask you to add those features, not at all. Just wondering if those things would be possible considering all the AGA tricks the game is pulling off and how busy the chipset must be.

buzzybee 29 May 2019 10:01


Originally Posted by vulture (Post 1324287)
I've a couple of technical questions if you may:

Of course, happy to answer!


Originally Posted by vulture (Post 1324287)
1. Would it be possible to make the game work out of floppies?

The RESHOOT R engine uses Amiga OS for loading stuff into memory. Therefore it is theoretically possible to use any mounted device as a source drive. But loading the game from floppy disk will not happen. Reason: the very slow loading breaks the whole gameflow. Having said that, I do have a floppy disk version here, which works after installation on harddrive or Ramdisk. Will be released soon.


Originally Posted by vulture (Post 1324287)
2. On a CD32, could you make it run and play the music from the cd audio tracks?

I could, but for a couple of reasons I decided against it. Main reasons are:
  • The game is sometimes loading while game progresses and music plays. This would not be possible when using CD-audiotracks: Gameflow would break and loading times would increase, which is not desired. RESHOOT R is all about flow
  • In some older games which use CD-audiotracks, like Skeleton Crew, the music is great but to me feels a bit decoupled from gameplay
  • Music and animations are synced occasionally. This also would not be possibel if using CD-audiotracks
  • Last not least: I simply love the Paula sound, it adds Amiga character to the game

demolition 29 May 2019 10:20

Looks very nice indeed - anyone tried to run this on a Vampire with GOLD3 (for AGA)?

Predseda 29 May 2019 10:33

vulture: if you have a time, look at a record of yesterday's Amigabill's stream. All those and many more questions were answered. But yes, it took around 3 hours :)

buzzybee 29 May 2019 10:38

@demolition: On invitation from the Vampire guys, I tried to run the game on a Vampire last october. Did not work, as the AGA core by then was not really 100% stable. But I changed a lot of code since october, and also the Vampire guys took the october version of RESHOOT R and tried to optimise the AGA core to make the game work. Therefore I´d also love to know if RESHOOT R runs on an Vampired Amiga now!

vulture 29 May 2019 10:44


thx for the answers!


thx , I will!

Predseda 29 May 2019 11:35

CD is pressed (like the first Reshoot), not burnt I pressume.

thairacerjp 29 May 2019 11:44

gotcha ! just bought "pure edition" and i will test with the TF330 , awesome Amiga times :). and superb LIVE yesterday with all our team, AmigaBill Rocks !

Neil79 29 May 2019 12:21


Originally Posted by Gordon (Post 1324168)
Someone in the comments already moaning about the price. :banghead

People moan about prices with Indie games on Steam, so that's nothing new :D

invent 29 May 2019 13:34

I have to agree with Richard, the game runs a lot nicer/smoother on a real A1200, and really that is what we want people to play it on :)

During development of the game I only used emulation to test, and now that i have some fast memory on 1200, wouldn't ever play it any other way.

Has been an absolute pleasure working on this game with Richard and Martin, both very talented Amigans.

demolition 29 May 2019 13:43

Will there be a free demo version available at some point? Just the first level or so, to get a feel for it before buying.

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