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-   -   I'm new to all this - struggling with Cloanto (https://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=63317)

lifeschool 02 March 2012 15:04

Here's a vid I made to demonstrate how to create a HD file thru winuae. All you have to do is to create your hardfile using the method described in the video, then press F12, go to 'configurations' and choose to save your config (with the hardfile you just created listed in the 'hard drives' tab) and save your config as the default config (or as something you'll remember). If you don't save your config as the default config you'll have to go back to the configs tab each time you load winuae; selected it, choose load, then 'start'.


Jim 02 March 2012 16:08

Hello Lifeschool,
thank you for posting up that video for me.
But I have to tell you that I am obviously not as smart as you.
And regretably, all of it went right over my head.
The video rattles along at a brisk pace, and the screens keep changing to match the dialog so you are talking about what's happening on the sixth page, while I am still wondering what I saw on the first page.
All I can do is make a cory of the html address, and perhaps in a year or so, I can come back and look at it again.
But right now, it is too sophisticated for me to understand...
But thanks anyway. :great

Jim 02 March 2012 16:51

Earlier this morning, I loaded up the Amiga Forever program, and Installed one of my favourite games.... Millenium 22.
I was surprised at how easy it was.
So I installed Deuteros , and that loaded up too...
Fast and easy - I was pleasantly surprised.
However, after I came out of the program, and then loaded it up again later
I realised that the two 'new' titles were not in the list of games.
It looks like they were not Saved in the program's database. :nuts
Is there not a way to "Save" them into the Games-List ?

I noticed that if I clicked on the FILE tab , I get some options.
And if I click on RECENT , I can see Millenium and Deuteros.
And I can Load them from there.

Arnie 02 March 2012 17:55


Originally Posted by Mclane (Post 805058)
Sounds like there's no HD image being created and its all being copied to either the Dpaint adf or the Workbench3.1 adf.

Might be worth someone creating a Workbench3.1 install HD image and putting it in the zone so Jim can boot that first and then install Dpaint after from the floppies.

There is a WB3.1 HD setup that comes with AmigaForever. I have suggested to Jim that he boot from that first, then load up the DP4 program disk and install it from there.

I also made an RP9 that loads the WB3.1 HD and boots from the DP4 program disk.

I'm all out of ideas on how to help, sorry Jim. :sad

Jim 02 March 2012 17:55

Hmmm , after fiddling around with the interface for half-an-hour ,
I think I have managed to answer my own question.

Under the TOOLS tab , I found RP9 Maqnager.
And I was able to turn Millenium22.adf into Millenium22.rp9 .
Now it appears in the program's Games list . :)

Jim 02 March 2012 18:25

Hello Arnie,
You just said that there's a WB3.1 HD setup that comes with Amiga Forever.
I wonder where that is ??? - Do you mean
If this is the one you are talking about - let me know, and I'll try it again.
I loaded it up on my screen and had a look at it ... but I can't see any way to "boot-up" from it.

Arnie 02 March 2012 18:41

Download the attached file, extract contents and double click on it.

Open AmigaForever

Open Applications.

Choose DPaintIV,

Press Play.

Jim 02 March 2012 19:34

That certainly is amazing.
That is abso-bloomin' -lootley amazing...
How did you do that ? :crazy

Well anyway, I followed the instructions and got her going
And it started adding in files.... everything completely automatic.
And finally it said Installation Complete .

So now it's done. I can't believe it.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Mclane 03 March 2012 10:06

Well done Arnie..Was looking like it was going to be doom and gloom for a minute..

Arnie 03 March 2012 12:11

Ok Jim, glad you got it working. Now all you have to do is remove the DPaint4 program disk from the RP9.

To do this, start AmigaForever,

click on Applications,

right click on DPaintIV and choose edit,

click on Media tab,

clcik on DF0: in the disks box,

click Remove.

Mclane 03 March 2012 12:54

Jim, good to see you now getting to enjoy your Cloanto package, you said a lot of this went over your head, may I suggest having a good read of the documents with it, most of this stuff is basic Winuae / Amiga practice so would help you loads.

Of course if you get stuck there's always in here to ask, no one in here likes to see any user struggling..

Jim 03 March 2012 17:33

Aye well , I'm not out of the woods yet.
With your help, I have managed to get it 'Installed'
But now I have to see that it's working.
The first thing I did was click on the DPaint icon.

Which opened up the working screen of the program itself.


And from here I was able to get access to the two other disks : Art1 and Art2...
Well Art2 worked fine, and I was able to bring up the "Crying lady's face" and a juggler animation.So I knew that that part was functioning as it should.
But something was wrong with the other disk. Instead of getting an icon that said Art1 , it was entitled DH0:???? and no matter what I tried, it couldn't be ReNamed.
I figured the file had gotten corrupted somehow, so I had to go back on the Internet and download a fresh copy of the DPaintIV Art1 .
I loaded it up, and it Overwrote the first one, and now it correctly displayed the Icon which now reads Art1.
I was eager to check it out... and so once again, I clicked on the Dpaint icon.
But this time It didn't fully arrive at the DPaint screen...
instead, after a lot of whirring and clicking, it came to a black screen with red writing on it.
Which , if my memory serves me rightly, is called the Guru Meditation screen.
So I am stuck again.:nuts

Jim 03 March 2012 19:10

Hello Mclane,
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement.
I seem to be getting terribly muddled up in my efforts to re-caoture my youth. Trying to get back to the days when I was having fun with my Amiga. And before that, I had a Commodore 64.
I notice that underneath your name, you are listed as an Old Fart.
But I'm a bit older than you. At the age of 77 years, I am probably the oldest one on here.

I don't know if you are aware or not, but they have revived the C64 and they are selling them in the States for less than 400 bucks.
The new models have USB-ports and are also compatible with the PC and come bundled with tons of old games and stuff. Take a look at

Of course, I am waiting for their new line to be released.
They are bringing out 3 new Amiga Models. I believe they will be on sale later this year, as this is the 25th anniversary. See the new Amigas at

Jim 03 March 2012 19:23

Hello Arnie,
Thanks for hanging in there with me throughout this.
I don't know where I would be without you.
But your last instructions have got me completely baffled . :shocked

After struggling for a whole week to get DPaint up and running, now you say I have to Delete it ?

I don't understand... I just don't get it. :confused

Could you explain this last bit?

Arnie 03 March 2012 20:00

Hi Jim,

Have you got it all working now?

If you have then all I was suggesting in my earlier post was that you could now delete the DPaint4 floppy image from the RP9 file using the RP9 editor.

However, if you don't feel comfortable doing this then there is no harm in leaving it as it it.

Jim 03 March 2012 22:44

No Arnie,
I haven't got it working yet.
Well I Did get it working perfectly yesterday for about 25 minutes.
Because I managed to load up the DPaint program , and from there I could access the Art2 disk. And when I got in there, I loaded up two of the animations, and ran them just to make sure everything was working fine.
Everything was okay.
But then when I tried to access the Art1 disk , I clicked on the DPaint Icon ... but it no longer works. (Guru)

Since then , I have switched off my Main Computer.
I have installed the Cloanto program onto my new Lap-top.
Got everything loaded up , and copied over your Rar-file
Deluxe Paint IV RP9.rar
With everything fresh and clean , I was confident that it would work.
But it doesn't. When I try to run DPaint, it just makes clicking noises for a while - and ends up with a Guru Meditation

I decided to try again , and dug out my OLD Lap-top, which is running WinXP on it. I loaded all the necessary software and then copied over your Rar-file and tried to load DPaint.
And once again , it crashed with a GM screen.

So now I have 3 computers all crashing at the same point.
I hate to say it - but I am wondering if you picked up a dodgey copy of
DPaintIV version 4.5 ?
Have you got a DPaintIV version 4.1 that I could try ?

Arnie 03 March 2012 23:27

Try this one Jim, It's new and improved and half the calories.

Jim 04 March 2012 04:16

Hi Arnie,
Thank you very much for posting up that new Rar-file.
I have cleared out everything that I have done before , and installed it again.
Now my Amiga Forever interface has only one file in the Applications list ,
Deluxe Paint IV 4.5 ----- Program ----- Ready

I tried really hard to load in the Art1 , and the Art2 disks but they won't go in. I get a Ding sound, and a message pops up that says Unrecognised system , or something like that.

I know it doesn't seem a lot for one day's work, but really I have no idea what I'm doing.
Well, at least I have just about memorised where everything is on the Cloanto system. That's from working 7 days... at 12 hours a day. I think next week I should spend some time delving into the mysteries of WinUAE.
I still have no idea what a hard-drive is.
I mean, I thought that I did... I thought it would be a section called DH0 ,
but when I look through the index of my computer There is no mention of it.... and I can't find it.
Another thing I don't know about is - what is a hard-file ?
I don't know if I've got one. And I don't like to push F12 , because I haven't a clue what's all in there.
Anyways I'm getting tired now so I think I'll go to bed and get some shut-eye... :sleep

Arnie 04 March 2012 10:59

In the world of WinUAE and AmigaForever a HardDrive can be:

An Image file (HDF)

A Folder with the Amiga Files inside

A real physical Harddisk formatted for the Amiga.

Device names are Usually DH0:, DH1: etc or HD0:, HD1: or really anything you like except DF0: CD0: etc as these are usually reserved for Floppys and CD's

Volume names are the names given to partitions, same as Windows.

Windows XP(C:)

Amiga DH0:(Workbench3.1:)

Mclane 04 March 2012 11:29

Jim, F12 is your very good friend, load up your Dpaint that arnie sent you, once loaded hit F12 and go to Floppy Drives and add in the adf files you have for art in df0: and df1: if you want both available at the same time, hit ok to exit the F12 menu and you should in a few secs have a couple of nice art named icons or at least df0 and df1 icons.

Any art will be available to load with any load reqestor under the name df0 df1 or art1 or art 2.

Hope that helps, don't want to get in the way of Arnies fine work and not confuse the issue more with multiple people trying to help at once.

As for age, wow you trump me kind sir, I'm a mere boy at 51 compared to you but I was always taught to respect my elders and learn from them.

Glad to see you have the bug to recapture a bit of the old times, I'm exactly the same and its good for the heart and mind to give it a go. I know people say the memories are rose tinted but every so often when playing around with many real or emulated machines I get actually mentally transported to that wonderful memory, I feel like I'm there, I can feel the atmosphere and relive those emotions at the time.

Wonderful stuff, wish they could bottle it...


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