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Nobby_UK 06 February 2018 20:26

Tough one this month ---
I only have 10 so far :(

Added 3 (?) more

Mr_Horizon 18 February 2018 18:00

February Quiz - clues #1

Everybody, it's not my fault - as I wrote in the initial post, the other users picked the games this time, please don't blame me that it's difficult. ;)
So far people achieve barely 10 points on average, so it's not an easy start into the new year.

To not have anyone despair any further (35 participants so far, one from here), here are some clues:

1) Not all screenshots are gameplay. Nr.2 is a loading screen, 18 & 22 are intro- or cutscenes, and Nr.23 is a start screen.

2) In game number 9 you have to move balls around. The title first appeared on the TurboGrafx, and later as a download game on Wii and WiiU.

3) Title 20 is a Lucasfilm game from the 80s.

4) Game 19 is the toughest in the entire quiz (just 9% got it right so far). It plays in the D&D universe... and it doesn't start with a "B"! :O

5) The 21 is a fighting game for the Nintendo Game Boy.

Deadline is Wednesday the 28th of February. Please participate via http://www.retrogamequiz.com/

here the quiz again... have fun! :)

Nobby_UK 24 February 2018 18:45

Clues give me 2 more

Mr_Horizon 26 February 2018 23:09

February Quiz - clues #2

Alright, the first instance of this years quiz season is almost over... deadline is in two days! There's 50 participants right now, one of which is from here.

Lowest entry is just two points, so feel free to join in before Wednesday midnight. :)

Here are the last clues:

1) Game number 1 is from a series that had its beginnings on the GBA, later installments also stick to handhelds.

2) Titles 5 and 8 are N64 games.

3) Screen 7 shows a C64 game.

4) Number 17 is a Metroidvania.

5) The series that game 22 is from has been made into movies several times.

Deadline is Wednesday, February 28th - participate via http://www.retrogamequiz.com/

Nobby_UK 27 February 2018 20:55

Got one more ;)


Title 8 is a N64 game.
Really ?!
Are you sure ?

Mr_Horizon 02 March 2018 13:21

@Nobby_UK: ah damn, how did I not notice. :/

I meant 18, not 8! Almost 70 people, and you are the only one to speak up. ;)

Mr_Horizon 02 March 2018 13:22


February Quiz - Wunschkonzert #2 - answers & score

The first quiz of the year is done, and 67 people joined... three more than with the last Wunschkonzert, very nice! :D

Don't forget the special rule: all that correctly guess their own game, get a +1 bonus point if they stay below 20 points total. But whoever does NOT recognise his own game, gets a -1 penalty instead!

Each title has a spare line that explains which user had wished for that game.

Now we first have the names of the games as text, then as images, and the scoretable comes at the end of this post.

1) Phoenix Wright
The correct part is "trials & tribulations", but just the series name was okay too.
solved by: 87%
wished by: Wizdom (+0)
other suggestions: Advance Wars

2) Eternal Darkness
solved by: 67%
wished by: Revolvermeister (+1)
other suggestions: Shadowman, The Darkness, The Darkness Comes

3) Alundra
solved by: 58%
wished by: Gerhard_S (+0)
other suggestions: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, Golden Sun, Landstalker, Terranigma

4) Destroy all Humans
solved by: 57%
wished by: Jin-Roh (+1)
other suggestions: battle zone remake, Halo, Herzog Zwei, Incoming, Starcraft 2, XCOM 2, Xenonauts

5) Buck Bumble
Half a point for "Bug Bumble".
solved by: 69%
wished by: hellermarie (+1)
other suggestions: Bee 52, Bee Movie, Biene Maya, Bug Bumble

6) Phantasy Star Online
Hey Sir Play-a-lot, you didn't recognise your own wish! Penalty point! :O
solved by: 36%
wished by: Sir Play-a-lot (-1)
other suggestions: Battalion Wars, Burning Rangers, C&C Alarmstufe Rot, Gun Valkyrie, Soul Calibur, tribes 2, Valkyrie Chronicles

7) Hunchback
solved by: 37%
wished by: Klees (no show)
other suggestions: Assassins Creed Demastered, Prince of Persia, quasimodo, Robin Hood, Robin of the Wood

8.) Outcast
solved by: 64%
wished by: besux (no show)
other suggestions: Syphon Filter

9) Be Ball / Chew Man Fu
Half a point for "Fu Man Chu".
solved by: 53%
wished by: Don Como (+1)
other suggestions: Break in, Rocky and Pocky, fu man chu

10) Planescape Torment
solved by: 64%
wished by: Geohound (+1)
other suggestions: -

11) Snatcher
solved by: 48%
wished by: SonicFanNerd (+0)
other suggestions: Mad TV

12) Earth Defence Force 4.1
Simply "EDF" was enough for the full point.
solved by: 43%
wished by: ElementalMaster (+1)
other suggestions: Panzer Dragoon Orta

13) Spyro the Dragon
solved by: 63%
wished by: Scorplian190 (+1)
other suggestions: Mischief Makers, Nights into Dreams, Star Fox

14) Hearthstone
solved by: 46%
wished by: BerthBarth (+1)
other suggestions: Comix Zone, Torchlight, Wetrix

15) Lollipop Chainsaw
solved by: 39%
wished by: Walti (+1)
other suggestions: Atom Zombie Smasher, Borderlands, Comix Zone, Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, HotD: Overkill, Hotline Miami, no more heroes, Sunset Overdrive, The Walking Dead, Typing of the Dead

16) Hitman
solved by: 49%
wished by: T-Bow (+1)
other suggestions: Deadly Premonition, Fahrenheit, LA Noire, mafia, Watch Dogs

17) Shadow Complex
solved by: 49%
wished by: Barbarian (+0)
other suggestions: Armored Core, Hawken, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, PN03, Strider, Vanquish

18.) Turok 2 Seeds of Evil
solved by: 49%
wished by: derubor_indaril (no show)
other suggestions: Mass Effect, Star Wars

19) Icewind Dale
No, not Baldurs Gate!
solved by: 42%
wished by: J.R. (+0)
other suggestions: 9x Baldurs Gate, D&D Tactics, Planescape Torment, Temple of Elemental Evil

20) Koronis Rift
solved by: 49%
wished by: Waffler (+1)
other suggestions: Death Star Interceptor, Night Shift, Schiffe versenken, Tron, Zak McKracken

21) Raging Fighter / Outburst
solved by: 42%
wished by: Shades (+1)
other suggestions: Art of Fighting, Battle Arena Toshinden, Double Dragon, King of Fighters, Street Fighter

22) Tomb Raider 3
...from a cutscene from the beginning of the game - this is the hardest title in the quiz
solved by: 33%
wished by: Bumpyroad (+0)
other suggestions: Counter Strike, Goldeneye, Hitman, Hitman: Codename 47, James Bond, Mission Impossible, Operation Winback, Resident Evil, Small Soldiers, Star Wars, syphon filter

23) The Guardian Legend
solved by: 37%
wished by: Red XIII (+1)
other suggestions: Earthbound, Mother, Elite, Metroid, Super Star Wars

24) TIS-100
solved by: 40%
wished by: Klunky (+1)
other suggestions: Kings Quest 3, tomb raider 1, wizardry

25) Zelda Ancient Stone Tablets
...also known as "BS Zelda no Densetsu: Inishie no Sekiban". Released for the Satellaview addon on the SNES. Zelda wiki link for the curious: https://zelda.gamepedia.com/BS_The_L..._Stone_Tablets
All other Zelda games gave half a point.
solved by: 46%
wished by: Yoshi (+1)
other suggestions: Secret of Mana, Zelda, Zelda Television, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening DX

quiz image:

answer image:
full resolution link: https://i.imgur.com/FfY1kXt.png


01 - 25 points - mnc - Mangamaniac2171
02 - 25 points - mnc - strid3r
03 - 25 points - mmx - Knuckles
04 - 25 points - mnc - Optimus Prime
05 - 25 points - mmx - J.R.
06 - 24.5 pnts - gpo - MadMoxxi
07 - 24.5 pnts - guf - Wizdom
08 - 24.5 pnts - mnc - Deadly Engineer
09 - 24 points - mnc - Gerhard S.
10 - 23.5 pnts - hcg - Bumpyroad

11 - 23.5 pnts - pop - Barbarian
12 - 23 points - mnc - Superfrog
13 - 22.5 pnts - pcx - Splunge
14 - 22.5 pnts - pcx - URmeL
15 - 21.5 pnts - mnc - Waffler
16 - 21 points - m!g - SonicFanNerd
17 - 19 points - eab - Nobby_UK
18 - 19 points - mnc - raiko
19 - 19 points - mmx - Klunky
20 - 18.5 pnts - mnc - HomiSite
21 - 17 points - pop - a gentle breeze
22 - 17 points - mnc - Bozbar!
23 - 16.5 pnts - spl - fL0riaN
24 - 16 points - mnc - BumBum
25 - 15 points - rta - jimboton
26 - 14 points - mnc - Yeboah17
27 - 13.5 pnts - gpo - Jin-Roh
28 - 13 points - hcg - windfisch
29 - 12 points - hcg - mainpatr
30 - 12 points - mmx - Shades
31 - 11 points - m!g - Red XIII
32 - 11 points - vgz - Revolvermeister
33 - 10.5 pnts - gpo - kataka
34 - 10 points - mnc - Brooklyn
35 - 10 points - pop - Don Como
36 - 9.5 ponts - vgz - Herr-Semmelknoedel
37 - 9.5 ponts - hcg - ommadawnyawn
38 - 9 points - hcg - Woody Alien
39 - 9 points - mmx - fedprod
40 - 9 points - vpf - cebix
41 - 9 points - rta - dearodie
42 - 8 points - pop - NoGoProGamer
43 - 7.5 pnts - mnc - Mitschel
44 - 7.5 pnts - 4py - DancingDan
45 - 7.5 pnts - m!g - Rudi Ratlos
46 - 7 points - mnc - elementalMaster
47 - 7 points - hcg - Moran
48 - 7 points - vgz - Walti
49 - 7 points - m!g - geohound
50 - 7 points - guf - Yoshi
51 - 6.5 pnts - m!g - Thrawn
52 - 6.5 pnts - gms - hellermarie
53 - 6 points - 4py - Akabei
54 - 6 points - vgz - T-Bow
55 - 5 points - 4py - Scorplian190
56 - 4.5 pnts - pop - Sascha
57 - 4.5 pnts - hcg - Snake

58 - 4.5 pnts - 4py - schockbock
59 - 4 points - rtg - Hiro
60 - 4 points - ntl - Dogorilla
61 - 4 points - 4py - Crimson Idol
62 - 3.5 pnts - guf - Ike07
63 - 3.5 pnts - gpo - BertBarth
64 - 3 points - pop - Daiyama
65 - 3 points - vgz - LOX-TT
66 - 2.5 pnts - mnc - Sir Play-A-Lot
67 - 2 points - pcx - Pascal Parvex

4py = 4Players Forum
eab = English Amiga Board
gpo = Gamepro Forum
gms = Gamestar Forum
guf = Gaming Universe Forum
hcg = hardcore gaming 101
m!g = M!Games Forum
mmx = Multimediaxis Forum
ntl = NintendoLife Forum
mnc = altes maniac Forum
pcx = pcx Forum
pop = PowerPlay Forum
rta = ResetEra Forum
rtg = Retro Gamer Forum
spl = Superlevel Forum
vgz = Videogameszone Forum
vpf = Vierpfeile Forum

Here is the AmigaBoard-local-list:

1 - 19 points - Nobby_UK

Thank you for joining (good score, and maybe next time there'll be more AmigaBoarders again) and see you next time! :)

Mr_Horizon 05 March 2018 02:00


March Quiz - Fake Screenshots #3

I really enjoy reading feedback to my all of my quizzes. One thing that's clear is that you all seem to really like the fake screenshots that are pieced together from eight individual games each. :)

So, let's do another round in that format! There will be four fake screenshots in total, and I will post a new one every four days. Each Image is a completely different genre, so hopefully there will be something for everybody.

Deadline is Saturday the 31st of March, please participate via http://www.retrogamequiz.com/

Here is the first out of four quiz images... the theme is 3D Jump'n'Runs, have fun! :)

Nobby_UK 07 March 2018 20:46

I assume that any I get after the initial three
Can be added into the remaining blank slots ?

IE If I put them in slots already used ---
they would be overwritten ?

I think I have 6 and an unlikely one.

Mr_Horizon 08 March 2018 09:59

@Nobby_UK: Nothing is overwritten - all your entries are added together manually by the end of the month.

Also congratulations - I knew it would take the English Amiga Board to identify the Amiga exclusive title in this picture... so far you are the only one out of 20 users who got that one right. :) Think you can do it again in the next picture? ;)

Mr_Horizon 08 March 2018 10:00

Image 2 of 4 - realtime strategy games

Where the first quiz image had mostly console games, the next one is reversed: Here you have a majority of Windows PC titles from the 90s (between 1989 and 1999).

Good luck! :) Please participate via www.retrogamequiz.com


Nobby_UK 10 March 2018 02:13

Answers tidied up --- I think I now have 7 for each.

Mr_Horizon 13 March 2018 12:12

Image 3 of 4 - P'n'C adventures

oh dear, this round is more difficult than I thought... once again. -_-; On average, the participants (22 in total, one from here) score less than half of the 16 points possible so far - and those were the "easy" pictures! ;)
Until now we had well known classics (and one obscurity for each image), but picture number three is more mixed. In part genre defining classics, but also average titles and obscure games. Also the age range is twice as wide, from 1991 to 2012!

Will you still dare to try your luck?? :D

deadline is end of March, participate via www.retrogamequiz.com

@Nobby_UK: Congrats, you are currently number one across all forums! :) Let's see if you can keep that spot... maybe some other users from this board will join too? It feels like contribution has dried up after the quiz got moved to the competition section.


Nobby_UK 13 March 2018 23:15

Just got a 6th one ;)

I agree --- :sad
This Thread does not show up as Changed/Updated on the main page

Ich Heisse Lanze. Ritter Lanze. Wer Bist Du?
Warum Hat Man Dich Eingesperrt?

Google Translates as:
I'm hot lance. Knight lance. Who are you?
Why did you get locked up?

Does not help :D

Mr_Horizon 17 March 2018 02:23

Image 4 of 4 - Game Boy Shooter


"...say, how can we make the fake screenshots even harder?"

"Even harder?! Our users already have trouble keeping up - so far we had 24 possible points, and the average score is EIGHT. -_-"

"Nevermind, these are nerds, they can take it. Come on, brainstorming!"

"Oh dear, well then. Mmmh....how about Shmups? That's a niche genre."

"...too easy!"

"Okay? Then... we focus on a single console, that'll decrease the chance of people knowing something!"

"...too easy!!!"

"What?! Well...we take an almost 30 year old handheld with a resolution of 160x120!!"

"TOO EASY!!1!"

"MADNESS!!! Then we use less classics, and instead add some obscure nonsense no one knows about!"


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So, here it is... the fourth and last Image of this round. Participation isn't that high yet (26 users), and high scorers with over 20 points are nowhere to be seen - there are even games that haven't been recognised yet!

Feel free to roll your eyes at the Game Boy picture - just remember that it's tough for everybody and try your luck regardless. :)

One quick hint - only six of the games are pure shooters, two also count in other genres.
But now here we go: HAPPY QUIZZING

Deadline is the 31st of March, participate via: www.retrogamequiz.com


Nobby_UK 18 March 2018 22:22

Think I now have 6 ?
+ 2 wild guesses.

Wild Guess added to other sections
as I'm done !

Just found a 7th
but I'll wait until the 30th-31st to add it.

Mr_Horizon 25 March 2018 19:32

March quiz - fake screenshots #3 - clues

It's just six days to the deadline - so far participation has been a bit low, 35 users in total and one from here. I hope there's going to be a few more until next saturday. :) It's a difficult quiz, average score is about 10 points out of 32 - and two games have not been found out at all!

a quick disclaimer: I am taking a break next month, users in the maniac and powerplay forums wanted to run their own quizzes. Check those out if you can't get enough. ;)

Now - time for the clues:

image 1:
1) release date years on image number one are 3x 1996, 2x 1997, 2x 1998 and 2000.
2) I meant to take the first instance of a famous playstation series, but accidentally ended up using the 3rd part. It won't matter when evaluating the score.
3) Four titles are multiplatform (PC & Console), two are sony exclusives, one Nintendo exclusive and one only for Amiga.
4) One of the games is actually not 3D, but just 2.5D.

image 2
1) release date years on image number two are 1989, 1992, 1995, 1996, 2x 1997, 1998 and 1999.
2) Due to its genre this image has a focus on PC titles, but only three of the games never appeared on consoles. Four are multiplatform, and one is exclusive to a Sega console.
3) One of the games is sometimes called the "inventor of the RTS genre".
4) There is a title on this image that appeared on the Commodore Amiga, but another one (with a very short name) sadly didn't, even though the developer had a strong Amiga history.

image 3
1) release date years on image number three are 1991, 4x 1995, 1998, 2008 and 2012.
2) Just one game of these did not appear on PC.
3) One of these PnC adventures is a license game to a really crap German movie.
4) There is a game here that hasn't been found out! It has a russia/communism theme and average reviews.

image 4
1) release date years on image number four are 5x 1990, 2x 1991 and 1993.
2) One game shares its name with an arcade title and a playstation 3 game.
3) Next to shooting, in one game you rescue POWs and take them back to base.
4) Here is the other game that hasn't been found out! Fight enemies and clear the path for a ground tank by moving boxes with a hook.

Deadline is Saturday 31st of March, participate via http://www.retrogamequiz.com/

Here all four pictures together:

Nobby_UK 25 March 2018 21:04

Clues gives me 3 more :)

I think I have them all... :)

Mr_Horizon 31 March 2018 13:11

@Nobby_UK: tonight is the deadline, I'm not giving away anything before that. ;) Too bad you're the only one from the Amiga Board who has participated!

nexus 31 March 2018 16:42

funny that first makes bubsy 3d look like a good game haha adding in some tales from heaven and crash bandicoot

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