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Old 15 October 2017, 15:39   #1
Computer Nerd
Thorham's Avatar
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Sha256 stand-alone hash function.

Here's a stand-alone, optimized (more so than my previous effort) sha256 hash function that you can drop into just about any code that needs it: sha256.s Related: If anyone wants an optimized AES encrypt and decrypt, let me know in this thread.

Updated version (compress loop optimizations from Wikipedia): sha256standAlone.s

Example usage (try it in AsmPro, don't forget the path!):

    lea     sha,a0
    lea     b,a1
    lea     hash,a2
    move.l  #c-b,d0
    bsr     sha256.computeHash


    include "680x0:sha256.s"
    dcb.b   sizeof.sha256
    dcb.b   32
    dc.b    "Boring test message."
Sha256 code:

                rsset 0
sha256.hash     rs.b 32
sha256.schedule rs.b 256
sha256.padding  rs.b 128
sizeof.sha256   rs.b 0

; a0 = sha256 object
; a1 = message
; a2 = output array
; d0 = message length
    movem.l d1/d7/a1/a3-a4,-(sp)

; copy sha hash constants to hash

    lea     sha256.hashConstants,a4
    lea     sha256.hash(a0),a3

    moveq   #8-1,d7
    move.l  (a4)+,(a3)+
    dbra    d7,.loop

; calculate number of sha blocks and call hash

    move.l  d0,d1
    lsr.l   #6,d1
    beq     .singleBlock
    bsr     sha256.hashBlocks

; padding and last block

    bsr     sha256.padMessage
    lea     sha256.padding(a0),a1
    bsr     sha256.hashBlocks

; copy hash to output array

    lea     sha256.hash(a0),a3

    move.l  (a3)+,1*4(a2) ; b 1
    move.l  (a3)+,2*4(a2) ; c 2
    move.l  (a3)+,5*4(a2) ; f 5
    move.l  (a3)+,6*4(a2) ; g 6
    move.l  (a3)+,3*4(a2) ; d 3
    move.l  (a3)+,0*4(a2) ; a 0
    move.l  (a3)+,4*4(a2) ; e 4
    move.l  (a3)+,7*4(a2) ; h 7

    movem.l (sp)+,d1/d7/a1/a3-a4
; a0 = sha256 object
; a1 = message blocks
; d1 = number of message blocks
; a1 <- pointer to remaining message block
    movem.l d0-a0/a2-a6,-(sp)

; stack variables

    lea     sha256.hash(a0),a2
    lea     sha256.schedule(a0),a3

    move.l  a1,-(sp) ; 12 message
    move.l  a2,-(sp) ; 8 hash
    move.l  a3,-(sp) ; 4 schedule
    move.l  d1,-(sp) ; 0 counter

; setup work variables and hash

    lea     sha256.hash(a0),a1
    movem.l (a1),d1/d2/d4/d5/a2/a3/a4/a5


; copy block to schedule

    move.l  12(sp),a0 ; message
    move.l  4(sp),a1 ; schedule

    moveq   #4-1,d7

    move.l  (a0)+,(a1)+
    move.l  (a0)+,(a1)+
    move.l  (a0)+,(a1)+
    move.l  (a0)+,(a1)+

    dbra    d7,.loopCopy

    move.l  a0,12(sp) ; message

; schedule block

    lea     -2*4(a1),a0
    lea     -16*4(a1),a6

    moveq   #48-1,d7

    move.l  (a0)+,d3
    move.l  d3,d6
    lsr.l   #8,d6
    lsr.l   #2,d6
    swap    d3
    ror.l   #1,d3
    eor.l   d3,d6
    ror.l   #2,d3
    eor.l   d3,d6

    add.l   (a6)+,d6
    move.l  (a6),d0
    move.l  d0,d3
    lsr.l   #3,d3
    ror.l   #7,d0
    eor.l   d0,d3
    swap    d0
    rol.l   #5,d0
    eor.l   d3,d0

    add.l   -7*4(a1),d0
    add.l   d6,d0
    move.l  d0,(a1)+

    dbra    d7,.loopSchedule

; compress block

    lea     -256(a1),a0
    lea     sha256.constants,a6

; main hash loop

    move.l  a3,d3
    ror.l   #2,d3
    move.l  d3,d6
    swap    d6
    move.l  d6,d7
    rol.l   #5,d6
    eor.l   d6,d3
    ror.l   #4,d7
    eor.l   d7,d3

    move.l  a3,d6
    and.l   d1,d6
    move.l  a3,d7
    and.l   d2,d7
    eor.l   d7,d6
    move.l  d1,d7
    and.l   d2,d7
    eor.l   d7,d6
    add.l   d6,d3

    move.l  a4,d0
    ror.l   #6,d0
    move.l  d0,d6
    ror.l   #5,d6
    eor.l   d6,d0
    move.l  a4,d6
    rol.l   #7,d6
    eor.l   d6,d0

    move.l  a4,d6
    and.l   d4,d6
    move.l  a4,d7
    not.l   d7
    and.l   d5,d7
    eor.l   d7,d6

    add.l   a5,d0
    add.l   d6,d0
    add.l   (a6)+,d0
    add.l   (a0)+,d0

    add.l   d0,d3
    add.l   d0,a2

    move.l  d5,a5
    move.l  d4,d5
    move.l  a4,d4
    move.l  a2,a4
    move.l  d2,a2
    move.l  d1,d2
    move.l  a3,d1
    move.l  d3,a3

    cmp.l   a1,a0
    bne     .loopCompress

; merge work variables with hash: hash += a..h

    move.l  8(sp),a0 ; hash

    add.l   (a0)+,d1 ; b
    add.l   (a0)+,d2 ; c
    add.l   (a0)+,d4 ; f
    add.l   (a0)+,d5 ; g
    add.l   (a0)+,a2 ; d
    add.l   (a0)+,a3 ; a
    add.l   (a0)+,a4 ; e
    add.l   (a0)+,a5 ; h

    movem.l d1/d2/d4/d5/a2/a3/a4/a5,-(a0)

; next message block

    subq.l  #1,(sp) ; counter
    bne     .loop

; point return register to remaining block

    move.l  12(sp),a1

; deallocate stack variables and exit

    add.w   #16,sp

    movem.l (sp)+,d0-a0/a2-a6
; a0 = sha object
; a1 = remaining message block
; d0 = full message length
; d1 <- number of remaining blocks
    movem.l d0/d2/d7/a1-a2,-(sp)

    lea     sha256.padding(a0),a2

; calculate number of remaining message bytes

    move.l  d0,d1
    and.l   #63,d1
    beq     .noCopy

; copy remaining message bytes

    move.w  d1,d7
    subq.w  #1,d7

    move.b  (a1)+,(a2)+
    dbra    d7,.loopCopy


; write padding byte

    move.b  #$80,(a2)+

; write zero padding bytes

    move.w  d1,d2
    addq.w  #8,d2
    and.w   #63,d2
    moveq   #62,d7
    sub.w   d2,d7
    blt     .noClear

    clr.l   d2
    move.b  d2,(a2)+
    dbra    d7,.loopClear


; write message length in bits

    rol.l   #3,d0
    move.l  d0,d2
    and.l   #7,d2 ; high
    eor.l   d2,d0 ; low

    move.l  d2,(a2)+
    move.l  d0,(a2)

; calculate remaining number of blocks

    sub.b   #56,d1
    asr.b   #7,d1
    addq.b  #2,d1

    movem.l (sp)+,d0/d2/d7/a1-a2

; sha constants

    cnop 0,4

; hash constants are rearranged: b c f g d a e h


    dc.l $bb67ae85,$3c6ef372,$9b05688c,$1f83d9ab,$a54ff53a,$6a09e667,$510e527f,$5be0cd19


    dc.l $428a2f98,$71374491,$b5c0fbcf,$e9b5dba5,$3956c25b,$59f111f1,$923f82a4,$ab1c5ed5
    dc.l $d807aa98,$12835b01,$243185be,$550c7dc3,$72be5d74,$80deb1fe,$9bdc06a7,$c19bf174
    dc.l $e49b69c1,$efbe4786,$0fc19dc6,$240ca1cc,$2de92c6f,$4a7484aa,$5cb0a9dc,$76f988da
    dc.l $983e5152,$a831c66d,$b00327c8,$bf597fc7,$c6e00bf3,$d5a79147,$06ca6351,$14292967
    dc.l $27b70a85,$2e1b2138,$4d2c6dfc,$53380d13,$650a7354,$766a0abb,$81c2c92e,$92722c85
    dc.l $a2bfe8a1,$a81a664b,$c24b8b70,$c76c51a3,$d192e819,$d6990624,$f40e3585,$106aa070
    dc.l $19a4c116,$1e376c08,$2748774c,$34b0bcb5,$391c0cb3,$4ed8aa4a,$5b9cca4f,$682e6ff3
    dc.l $748f82ee,$78a5636f,$84c87814,$8cc70208,$90befffa,$a4506ceb,$bef9a3f7,$c67178f2
Updated version (compress loop optimizations from Wikipedia):

                rsset 0
sha256.hash     rs.b 32
sha256.schedule rs.b 256
sha256.padding  rs.b 128
sizeof.sha256   rs.b 0

; a0 = sha256 object
; a1 = message
; a2 = output array
; d0 = message length
	movem.l	d1/d7/a1/a3-a4,-(sp)

; copy sha hash constants to hash

	lea		sha256.hashConstants,a4
	lea		sha256.hash(a0),a3

	moveq	#8-1,d7
	move.l	(a4)+,(a3)+
	dbra	d7,.loop

; calculate number of sha blocks and call hash

	move.l	d0,d1
	lsr.l	#6,d1
	beq		.singleBlock
	bsr		sha256.hashBlocks

; padding and last block

	bsr		sha256.padMessage
	lea		sha256.padding(a0),a1
	bsr		sha256.hashBlocks

; copy hash to output array

	lea		sha256.hash(a0),a3

	move.l	(a3)+,1*4(a2) ; b 1
	move.l	(a3)+,2*4(a2) ; c 2
	move.l	(a3)+,5*4(a2) ; f 5
	move.l	(a3)+,6*4(a2) ; g 6
	move.l	(a3)+,3*4(a2) ; d 3
	move.l	(a3)+,0*4(a2) ; a 0
	move.l	(a3)+,4*4(a2) ; e 4
	move.l	(a3)+,7*4(a2) ; h 7

	movem.l	(sp)+,d1/d7/a1/a3-a4
; a0 = sha256 object
; a1 = message blocks
; d1 = number of message blocks
; a1 <- pointer to remaining message block
	movem.l	d0-a0/a2-a6,-(sp)

; stack variables

	lea		sha256.hash(a0),a2
	lea		sha256.schedule(a0),a3

	move.l	a1,-(sp) ; 12 message
	move.l	a2,-(sp) ; 8 hash
	move.l	a3,-(sp) ; 4 schedule
	move.l	d1,-(sp) ; 0 counter

; setup work variables and hash

	lea		sha256.hash(a0),a1
	movem.l	(a1),d1/d2/d4/d5/a2/a3/a4/a5


; copy block to schedule

	move.l	12(sp),a0 ; message
	move.l	4(sp),a1 ; schedule

	moveq	#4-1,d7

	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+

	dbra	d7,.loopCopy

	move.l	a0,12(sp) ; message

; schedule block

	lea		-2*4(a1),a0
	lea		-16*4(a1),a6

	moveq	#48-1,d7

	move.l	(a0)+,d3
	move.l	d3,d6
	lsr.l	#8,d6
	lsr.l	#2,d6
	swap	d3
	ror.l	#1,d3
	eor.l	d3,d6
	ror.l	#2,d3
	eor.l	d3,d6

	add.l	(a6)+,d6
	move.l	(a6),d0
	move.l	d0,d3
	lsr.l	#3,d3
	ror.l	#7,d0
	eor.l	d0,d3
	swap	d0
	rol.l	#5,d0
	eor.l	d3,d0

	add.l	-7*4(a1),d0
	add.l	d6,d0
	move.l	d0,(a1)+

	dbra	d7,.loopSchedule

; compress block

	lea		-256(a1),a0
	lea		sha256.constants,a6

; main hash loop

	move.l	a3,d3
	ror.l	#2,d3
	move.l	d3,d6
	swap	d6
	move.l	d6,d7
	rol.l	#5,d6
	eor.l	d6,d3
	ror.l	#4,d7
	eor.l	d7,d3

	move.l	a3,d7
	eor.l	d1,d7
	and.l	d2,d7
	move.l	a3,d6
	and.l	d1,d6
	eor.l	d6,d7
	add.l	d7,d3

	move.l	a4,d0
	ror.l	#6,d0
	move.l	d0,d6
	ror.l	#5,d6
	eor.l	d6,d0
	move.l	a4,d6
	rol.l	#7,d6
	eor.l	d6,d0

	move.l	d4,d6
	eor.l	d5,d6
	move.l	a4,d7
	and.l	d7,d6
	eor.l	d5,d6

	add.l	a5,d0
	add.l	d6,d0
	add.l	(a6)+,d0
	add.l	(a0)+,d0

	add.l	d0,d3
	add.l	d0,a2

	move.l	d5,a5
	move.l	d4,d5
	move.l	a4,d4
	move.l	a2,a4
	move.l	d2,a2
	move.l	d1,d2
	move.l	a3,d1
	move.l	d3,a3

	cmp.l	a1,a0
	bne		.loopCompress

; merge work variables with hash: hash += a..h

	move.l	8(sp),a0 ; hash

	add.l	(a0)+,d1 ; b
	add.l	(a0)+,d2 ; c
	add.l	(a0)+,d4 ; f
	add.l	(a0)+,d5 ; g
	add.l	(a0)+,a2 ; d
	add.l	(a0)+,a3 ; a
	add.l	(a0)+,a4 ; e
	add.l	(a0)+,a5 ; h

	movem.l	d1/d2/d4/d5/a2/a3/a4/a5,-(a0)

; next message block

	subq.l	#1,(sp) ; counter
	bne		.loop

; point return register to remaining block

	move.l	12(sp),a1

; deallocate stack variables and exit

	add.w	#16,sp

	movem.l	(sp)+,d0-a0/a2-a6
; a0 = sha object
; a1 = remaining message block
; d0 = full message length
; d1 <- number of remaining blocks
	movem.l	d0/d2/d7/a1-a2,-(sp)

	lea		sha256.padding(a0),a2

; calculate number of remaining message bytes

	move.l	d0,d1
	and.l	#63,d1
	beq		.noCopy

; copy remaining message bytes

	move.w	d1,d7
	subq.w	#1,d7

	move.b	(a1)+,(a2)+
	dbra	d7,.loopCopy


; write padding byte

	move.b	#$80,(a2)+

; write zero padding bytes

	move.w	d1,d2
	addq.w	#8,d2
	and.w	#63,d2
	moveq	#62,d7
	sub.w	d2,d7
	blt		.noClear

	clr.l	d2
	move.b	d2,(a2)+
	dbra	d7,.loopClear


; write message length in bits

	rol.l	#3,d0
	move.l	d0,d2
	and.l	#7,d2 ; high
	eor.l	d2,d0 ; low

	move.l	d2,(a2)+
	move.l	d0,(a2)

; calculate remaining number of blocks

	sub.b	#56,d1
	asr.b	#7,d1
	addq.b	#2,d1

	movem.l	(sp)+,d0/d2/d7/a1-a2

; sha constants

	cnop 0,4

; hash constants are rearranged: b c f g d a e h


	dc.l $bb67ae85,$3c6ef372,$9b05688c,$1f83d9ab,$a54ff53a,$6a09e667,$510e527f,$5be0cd19


	dc.l $428a2f98,$71374491,$b5c0fbcf,$e9b5dba5,$3956c25b,$59f111f1,$923f82a4,$ab1c5ed5
	dc.l $d807aa98,$12835b01,$243185be,$550c7dc3,$72be5d74,$80deb1fe,$9bdc06a7,$c19bf174
	dc.l $e49b69c1,$efbe4786,$0fc19dc6,$240ca1cc,$2de92c6f,$4a7484aa,$5cb0a9dc,$76f988da
	dc.l $983e5152,$a831c66d,$b00327c8,$bf597fc7,$c6e00bf3,$d5a79147,$06ca6351,$14292967
	dc.l $27b70a85,$2e1b2138,$4d2c6dfc,$53380d13,$650a7354,$766a0abb,$81c2c92e,$92722c85
	dc.l $a2bfe8a1,$a81a664b,$c24b8b70,$c76c51a3,$d192e819,$d6990624,$f40e3585,$106aa070
	dc.l $19a4c116,$1e376c08,$2748774c,$34b0bcb5,$391c0cb3,$4ed8aa4a,$5b9cca4f,$682e6ff3
	dc.l $748f82ee,$78a5636f,$84c87814,$8cc70208,$90befffa,$a4506ceb,$bef9a3f7,$c67178f2

Last edited by Thorham; 04 December 2017 at 11:35.
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Old 16 October 2017, 22:06   #2
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Cool! You could make it more user-friendly by putting the temporary data on the stack, instead of tasking the caller with allocating and freeing that memory.
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Old 16 October 2017, 23:24   #3
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Originally Posted by Leffmann View Post
You could make it more user-friendly by putting the temporary data on the stack, instead of tasking the caller with allocating and freeing that memory.
It's that way because I prefer it, but using the stack is easy:

; a1 = message
; a2 = output array
; d0 = message length
    movem.l d1/d7/a0-a1/a3-a4,-(sp)

; allocate sha object memory on stack
    sub.w   #sizeof.sha256,sp
    move.l  sp,a0
; copy sha hash constants to hash

    lea     sha256.hashConstants,a4
    lea     sha256.hash(a0),a3

    moveq   #8-1,d7
    move.l  (a4)+,(a3)+
    dbra    d7,.loop

; calculate number of sha blocks and call hash

    move.l  d0,d1
    lsr.l   #6,d1
    beq     .singleBlock
    bsr     sha256.hashBlocks

; padding and last block

    bsr     sha256.padMessage
    lea     sha256.padding(a0),a1
    bsr     sha256.hashBlocks

; copy hash to output array

    lea     sha256.hash(a0),a3

    move.l  (a3)+,1*4(a2) ; b 1
    move.l  (a3)+,2*4(a2) ; c 2
    move.l  (a3)+,5*4(a2) ; f 5
    move.l  (a3)+,6*4(a2) ; g 6
    move.l  (a3)+,3*4(a2) ; d 3
    move.l  (a3)+,0*4(a2) ; a 0
    move.l  (a3)+,4*4(a2) ; e 4
    move.l  (a3)+,7*4(a2) ; h 7

    add.w   #sizeof.sha256,sp
    movem.l (sp)+,d1/d7/a0-a1/a3-a4

Last edited by Thorham; 16 October 2017 at 23:29.
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Old 17 October 2017, 15:12   #4
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Nice clean code, thanks!
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Old 19 October 2017, 07:04   #5
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Originally Posted by Megol View Post
Nice clean code
Glad you think so, thanks.
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Old 02 December 2017, 14:16   #6
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Anyone interested in standalone AES256? I almost have that ready for posting.
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Old 04 December 2017, 11:36   #7
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Updated the code with some optimizations from Wikipedia that didn't seem like they would work, see first post.
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