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Old 07 May 2007, 16:54   #81
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the high end machine (if real) does sound good but it'll be out of my price range.

The budget machine could make a nice classic like machine under many tv's, if its got a decent web browser and media center.
a machine allowing people to check their email, surf the web/shopping play music/mp3/divx from the living room.
all from a nice, small almost silent box, surely the concept of the A1200.

(although amiga fantasy style case would be preferable)
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Old 07 May 2007, 19:43   #82
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Heheh, pentium era PC people drooling at the Amiga? Not around here, they weren't.

I for one will be impressed if they actually deliver a product at volume, but will not hold my breath waiting for the release. :-D
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Old 08 May 2007, 13:21   #83
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Originally Posted by Deaths_Head
the high end machine (if real) does sound good but it'll be out of my price range.

The budget machine could make a nice classic like machine under many tv's, if its got a decent web browser and media center.
a machine allowing people to check their email, surf the web/shopping play music/mp3/divx from the living room.
all from a nice, small almost silent box, surely the concept of the A1200.

(although amiga fantasy style case would be preferable)
They call it laptop and it is available for a long time now and it does all the stuff you mentioned, plus much more. (like emulating real amiga)

I don't think that 500 dollar crap is going to be any quite. More likely it will be very laud with cheap components...

Last edited by Anubis; 08 May 2007 at 16:29.
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Old 08 May 2007, 13:27   #84
Oh noes!
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Wow.. 400 Mhz wasn't that the "entry speed" of the P2 when Commodore went bankrupt?
Best of all, it's $10 cheaper then the ps3!
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Old 08 May 2007, 14:41   #85
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Originally Posted by spiff
Wow.. 400 Mhz wasn't that the "entry speed" of the P2 when Commodore went bankrupt?
Best of all, it's $10 cheaper then the ps3!
Won't be by the time it's released.

Yes, i know, it won't anyway Just entertaining the thought.
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Old 08 May 2007, 18:29   #86
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$489? Excellent. Sign me up to buy five!

Then I could cluster them and perhaps they would be on par with a $300 beige-box. I doubt it though.

What a waste of time.
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Old 10 May 2007, 03:31   #87
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What a complete bag of shit, as far as usefull computing hardware goes you'd be better off buying one of these...

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Old 10 May 2007, 03:50   #88
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Originally Posted by Mick_AKA
What a complete bag of shit, as far as usefull computing hardware goes you'd be better off buying one of these...

ooooh! I'll buy ten!
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Old 10 May 2007, 10:46   #89
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OS4 for gameboy!
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Old 11 May 2007, 00:28   #90
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Originally Posted by spiff
Wow.. 400 Mhz wasn't that the "entry speed" of the P2 when Commodore went bankrupt?
Best of all, it's $10 cheaper then the ps3!
Sorry, C= went bankrupt while there still was only 486DX2-66 as the "superpowers" of Intel heaters.
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Old 11 May 2007, 01:05   #91
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It was never about CPU's. It still isn't. It was all about chipsets. Amiga was king. When Plug&Play came along the Amiga was dead. Buried. Period. In fact it was. That's history, period. On top of it all, AAA never saw the light of day. Even consoles were starting to beat the shit out of an Amiga.

The Amiga died the day they removed Jay Miner out of it.

Maybe the current retards that own AI know jackshit about chipmaking? Even Commodore didn't know what to do as far as hardware went. They bought a computer from a genius, then fucked around with it till they went chapter 11.

Jay Miner and the succeeding fucktards that have owned the Amiga IP through the years, Of Mice and Man. Of Mice and Man, gentlemen.

Casting pearls before the swine.
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Old 11 May 2007, 03:08   #92
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We are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investment into R&D nowadays; for example the cost of CELL development is well documented, but you'd have similar costs for GPUs too.
Now think about the thousands of dollars Amiga investors are normally able to risk if anything. You should get a more realistic view of what they can possibly achieve these days.
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Old 11 May 2007, 04:34   #93
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Admit defeat. Port it to x86. If hardware's dead, fight it on software. But whatever you do, don't lie to costumers again, again, and again. If they can't fight it on software either, just give it up and plaster boing balls on car radios.

Right now they just use the Amiga IP to defraud investors and costumers alike, again, again, and again.

This is very, very sad. The Amiga didn't deserve this. Much less it's fans and costumers.
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Old 11 May 2007, 21:15   #94
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I always thought hardware independence was the ultimate goal for OS4.x
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Old 18 August 2007, 09:47   #95
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Sorry to drag this old one back up, first time i have read it.

What in my mind, largely contributed to the amiga demise back in the A1200 days. Was the over inflated prices, of the amiga add-on hardware. Before the end of amiga, i remember many times. Walking around pc add-on wares shops looking at the add-on card et all. The prices were a mere fraction of the cost for amiga hardware.

If the amiga add-on manufactures had sold at lower prices to match in store pc prices for their wares. I do really belive that the amiga would have continued. Because the amiga community and new amiga buyers could afford to buy into the add-on hardware. Back then i could afford very little at the prices that were then, But could easily afford the add-on hardware that was for sale in the stores.

Ok it came to late in the day, that the amiga could use some add-on pc hardware. But at a extra cost of buying interfaces to use them on the amiga.

Maybe the only way the amiga could get back on top again now. Is to use todays hardware, cpu's et all.

Make a add-on pcie card that has that classic amigas os on them. And sell the amiga as a clever designed new motherboard with chipset and all.

All componments user up gradable except for the amiga-motherboard. Unless you decide to buy a more powerful amiga board, than the one you previously bought.

Motherboard - amiga (designed)
CPU - your choice (motherboard dependant on MHz speed to install)
AGA or PCIe Graphics - your choice
GBs of fast memory over 4 or more slots (user added)
GB Lans
Wireless (latest that is secure) (using a chip user flashable - future security)
3 to 4 PCI slots
3 to 4 PCIe slots
Graphics is what the amiga great for many, but these were add-on boards. So the fully loaded amiga boards, should be built to take the industry graphics board they use. Sure even we could get to use them, remember keep the pricing down, to attract everyone.

And all the other bits modern motherboards have on them.

Amiga OS - Most important - With amiga hardware prices low and affordable for all. Build and constantly update, update the os for bugs and improvements. Make it easy for all todays code languages. For 3rd party developers to join in and write softwares. Make it the best os, make it the os everyone wants to use at wherever.

Amiga Classic os's are on the PCIe add-on card that come with the motherboard or is bought seperatly. Not at a inflated price remember you need the older classic amiga owners back. This PCIe classic amiga os board if totaly fully user flashable. It has two or more 6mb flash roms. One is a back up rom, as some motherboards have.

Ok it is a pc, or how you concieve a pc today. But the amazing thing will be the motherboard with advance ahead of time coded chipsets. The chipsets made the amiga a classic, for each new amiga.

Remember we could use our amigas and multitask way before pc knew about multitasking. We had wygwys gui before any pc. We had...

This is the quickest and best way to get a new amiga to the market place. They will be a great machines to run and own. Ensuring that new amigans, novices, experienced and companys could use and work with the new amigas. Why this has not been done so far is beyond reasoning. Its not hard to think of a winning formula.

Appreciated all the past present amiga comings and goings, backstabbing and all. Surely someone could make a go of it, the OS, motherboards and add-on classic PCIe board need clever designing to reach high audience expectations. If the ingrediants are right, i would buy one, two heck three new amiga pc's.

But only, only if the pricing is right. Not forgetting how much todays motherboards do sell for. Not forgetting to that hardware does fall in price, it does not remain static. Items get cheaper, with newer design and to make way for newer designed products. Whoever sells the new amiga motherboards, do not to over inflate the prices, or keep them artificially static high.

Consumers have a greater choice today, they like to shop around for bargains. The new amiga needs to make a name for itself again. The old amiga in a big way, ended previously over overinflated prices. Don't let this happen again.

Make it happen. Make the amiga a reality. One that we can use and work with.

I'm sure there are many other ideas to add to this list. I feel i have wriiten enough for now. Whats your take on this, your ideas. Do you think it is practical or workable.

Is this in the wrong forum.
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Old 18 August 2007, 10:39   #96
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Originally Posted by exoticaga View Post
Whats your take on this, your ideas. Do you think it is practical or workable.
Nice ideas but it would turn into a glorified PC at the end of the day with the only difference being the OS. M$ have the majority share so you'd have to compete with that for a start...

It's just a totally different market now as opposed to the good old days. Sad as it is Bill McEwen primised us hardware this summer for OS4... looks like that will never happen either! There is too little uptake imo and for what you can buy with £300 these days in PC hardware terms wipes the floor with what is proposed by Amiga Inc. If they want my interest then it'd have to be a computer in a keyboard style with hybrid compatibility of that of a A1200 and hardware which supports 3.9 upwards....
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Old 18 August 2007, 10:50   #97
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just wait two more weeks and you'll see...
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Old 18 August 2007, 13:16   #98
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I agree with everyone that mentions new hardware for a new Amiga is just pointless. The days of building brilliant custom chips and motherboard designs for home computers are over and that's what the original Amiga was all about. All we have left now is the OS and it's identity, the hardware side should no longer be considered an issue.

Custom hardware is now left to the moneybags companies who can afford to enter the console market. Even then they usually make heavy losses. It's impossible to create computer hardware at reasonable prices that can out-perform a cheap PC. Fact.

The only logical solution in this day and age is to bite the bullet and take what's left - using cheap PC parts. Essentially, make Amiga OS x86 with seamless classic emulation built in. The only hardware customers could buy that's non-standard would be a nice unique case, keyboard and mouse, but they can run the OS on any PC if they so choose.

Apple have recognized this is the way to go - hardware is now of second importance, marketing, software and image are everything. Even then it's only going to be die hard fans who buy it, but at least it has a chance as opposed to nothing.

Last edited by Bloodwych; 18 August 2007 at 14:05.
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Old 18 August 2007, 17:31   #99
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Originally Posted by Bloodwych View Post
I agree with everyone that mentions new hardware for a new Amiga is just pointless. The days of building brilliant custom chips and motherboard designs for home computers are over and that's what the original Amiga was all about. All we have left now is the OS and it's identity, the hardware side should no longer be considered an issue.

Custom hardware is now left to the moneybags companies who can afford to enter the console market. Even then they usually make heavy losses. It's impossible to create computer hardware at reasonable prices that can out-perform a cheap PC. Fact.

The only logical solution in this day and age is to bite the bullet and take what's left - using cheap PC parts. Essentially, make Amiga OS x86 with seamless classic emulation built in. The only hardware customers could buy that's non-standard would be a nice unique case, keyboard and mouse, but they can run the OS on any PC if they so choose.

Apple have recognized this is the way to go - hardware is now of second importance, marketing, software and image are everything. Even then it's only going to be die hard fans who buy it, but at least it has a chance as opposed to nothing.
What he said.

It is impossible for a big company to unsurp PC's and Microsoft as the industry standard, even more unlikely for Amiga Inc to achieve it either.

Amiga can continue, but as a dynamic OS that makes Windows look crap, and lets face it, even if Amiga Inc did come up with a new version of AmigaOS that blew Windows out the water, it would take years and years for the Industry to adopt it in place of Windows.

MacOS, Linux, Windows, plus a myriad of other smaller OS's, what hope would AmigaOS have against all this competition?

Wheres the queue of software developers wanting to write software for Amiga?

Most people want an alternative to Windows, unfortunately Amiga Inc are incapable of providing it. Seems they will make their money by suing people!

Amiga should be proudly remembered as a product of its time, this entry level proposed machine is everything the Amiga idea isn't. Amiga was light years ahead of everything else around, this 'new' machine isn't anywhere near todays hardware.

Let the Amiga die a dignified death for fucks sake.
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Old 18 August 2007, 19:03   #100
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Let's face it, what are the chances of this being released anyway?
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