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Old 03 August 2012, 15:36   #1
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Happy New Amiga user (sort of)

Hello Amiga users! So glad I found this board...

When I grew up, I didn't have an amiga (couldn't afford), but a couple of my friends did. Started off with the Amiga 500 that a friend of mine owned, we used to play tons of games, like Outrun, Test Drive, etc. Years later, another friend of mine got hold off the Amiga 4000.

We used them and played with them when I was over and I always dreamed of having one. I promised myself that I would get one when I was an adult. Now, several years later I am an adult (and on some overtime as well) and I've been recently talking a lot about aquiring an amiga, looking around for which one to get.

My girlfriend snapped this up and she bought (!) one for me as a present and it's currently on its way. It's the A600 with 1mb.

Now, since this is the UK version and I'm using a Norwegian power outlet, I'm a bit nervous about what I can do and what I can't do. When I lived in the UK as a younger lad, I didn't exactly know what I was doing, but I had seen one of my mates dad just cut the cord off and use the three wires for +- and ground to make a norwegian power plug into a British one. I did that when I lived in the UK in 97 (I was 13 years old) to some of my perhepials and voila. It would work. Sometimes it wouldn't :P (I wasn't scared of trying things like this when I was a kid, because it seemed logical that it would work.)

So my questions are if could I just do that or should I just use a british to norwegian converter plug? I see on the picture from the ebay listing that the plug has been changed to a UK one at some point, so it's just a matter of unscrewing it (without cutting).

Also, I read a review about a guy that used a PCMIA card with CF inserted on the side. He proclaimed that it was as easy as disconnecting the CF card, inserting it into the PC as a FAT32 drive and loading games on to there. Do I need extra ram? I heard about something called WHDload to load ADF files through the Amiga 600!

I'm not quite sure if I need to change the kickstarter versions on it to make it work, but does it require (in lack of proper british terms since I'm norwegian) welding the chip in place or is it pop out/in type of chip? I've never seen the innards of an amiga, except for that on yotube videos!

Also, I was wondering if it was possible (since it is on consoles like the PS2 Fatboy) to use an IDE to Sata converter and have an enclosed external harddrive from it to boot of, using a couple of allocated 4GB partitions.

What else do I need to get going? What's the best way to get the best quality picture with audio? VGA converter? RGB converter? As a new owner, what should I do to this system to get the most out of it? I don't want to mod it hardware wise, as in "I don't want do anything permanent" to the system, if I can avoid that. I also don't need to use OS 3.9.

Another thing is that I really despise (note: hate) having to use a mouse with a ball, espacially as we have 4 cats. Any way to use a laser mouse?

Thanks! I've been reading some of the threads and I know this is the place to ask! If I've done something wrong, asked some wrong questions or if there is something I should take notice of on this forum, please don't hesitate to tell me. No wrong intentions, just real happy to be here.

Edit: (Title = New Amiga user (sort of), not "off". Sorry about that).
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Old 03 August 2012, 19:30   #2
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If it only has 1 meg ram I would rec adding more. there is an accelerator coming out (ACA 620) which has both ram and a 68020. It will give a little speed booster. as for other options there is the 604 mem exansion that will give you I think 2 meg chip ram as well as a port for the indvision ECS which will allow you to hook up a modern monitor. as well it gives you a couple clock ports for adding USB. They can be ordered from Versalia or Amigakit. as for the power if you are not sure on cutting and splicing then you are best to just get an adaptor. If it is already been tampered with you may want to remove the plug and use the style you need for your country. I never trust someone elses handywork.

Hope it helps
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Old 03 August 2012, 19:57   #3
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Thank you for the response! I will look it up ASAP The reason why I was worried about the power was because I think I remember that UK uses 115v power output and we use 220 v!

Know anything about that? Thanks!

Another big question would be if there's a place with a manual for workbench and what each app does. I remember growing up with my IBM XT/AT compatible computer I was given a dos prompt only (a long with over a hundred 5 1/4" disks) and the only commands I knew were "dir", "cd, and how to change disk. This resultet in a year of trial and error onto which I studied each command and tried to learn everything about it, without having manuals present. I would like to avoid doing that using the Amiga. I don't want to, let's say, botch up some files.

I use Linux, Haiku, Windows among other systems. Most self taught, but afaik, the amiga shell uses other commands, yes? Is there a site on which I can get a basic understanding of the system installed and how the motherboard works? I know some things, like what a kickstarter is, the difference between the audio and graphics chips, the smart file systems and the file extensions the system uses and that it can load.

It would be interesting to read about how the chipset works differently then say, PPC, x86 and ARM.

Thank you

Last edited by mikepxavier; 03 August 2012 at 20:03.
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Old 03 August 2012, 20:20   #4
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Originally Posted by mikepxavier View Post
Thank you for the response! I will look it up ASAP The reason why I was worried about the power was because I think I remember that UK uses 115v power output and we use 220 v!

Know anything about that? Thanks!

Another big question would be if there's a place with a manual for workbench and what each app does. I remember growing up with my IBM XT/AT compatible computer I was given a dos prompt only (a long with over a hundred 5 1/4" disks) and the only commands I knew were "dir", "cd, and how to change disk. This resultet in a year of trial and error onto which I studied each command and tried to learn everything about it, without having manuals present. I would like to avoid doing that using the Amiga. I don't want to, let's say, botch up some files.

I use Linux, Haiku, Windows among other systems. Most self taught, but afaik, the amiga shell uses other commands, yes? Is there a site on which I can get a basic understanding of the system installed and how the motherboard works? I know some things, like what a kickstarter is, the difference between the audio and graphics chips, the smart file systems and the file extensions the system uses and that it can load.

It would be interesting to read about how the chipset works differently then say, PPC, x86 and ARM.

Thank you

Unless things have changed drastically, the UK uses 220 - 240VAC 50Hz. N. America uses 110VAC 60Hz.
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Old 03 August 2012, 21:41   #5
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Hello, and thanks for the information kipper2k (and you too, source!) Now, about those other questions, I would be so glad if you could help me with those as well!

Thanks! I really appreciate it! Me and my girlfriend built a desk not so long ago on which it will be the center of attention on when it comes. Can't wait and we're both counting the days (she's really looking forward to playing some of the games in the bundle)!

I have a ton of consoles and old computers / parts, but this definately will be the crown jewel of my collection and will be used plenty.
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Old 04 August 2012, 16:59   #6
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The OS manuals I see from time to time on ebay. you may want to when doing your search on ebay select world wide search instead of just your local region. Another place to look would be amibay.com they have a large buy and sell listing. also you can look here


As for the CF for games


You will need more ram then the stock 600 will have and you will need to install WHDload


and you have to I think install cross dos (which I think is installed with OS3.1) you will want if it doesn't have already a Hard drive. a 2.5 inch ide port is inside the machine.

The roms are socketted I believe. It is just a matter of removing the old and incerting the new. The CPU is soldered to th motherboard and the accelerators need to clip on over top of the 68000 CPU. as for CPU cards there I believe an 620 card coming out. There is was a 630 card made, no sure if still available again look at versalia and amigakit. the 630 will give you more horsepower due to a faster CPU. In my opinion spending a little more to get the faster machine is always better.

You can use an USB mouse if you install the Subway but you will need to have on 030 (may be a 020) to use the poseidon USB stack. The downside it will only work for workbench. any games that require a mouse the USB option won't work. Elbox sells as well I think amigakit sells a serial adaptor that will allow you to use a serial mouse. there is a USB to din serial adaptor available that will connect if you so desire.

As for SATA vs PATA i think the converter will work, but there is limited space inside the computer. There may not be enough room. If you are not going to install OS3.9 (you will want an 030 for that) you will be limited to only the first 4 gigs of any drive you install. I think that OS3.1 will only allow you to have a partition of 2 gigs max. There is a program I belive called TD64 which you can find on aminet which will will allow you to use more than 4 gigs. It is built in to OS 3.5 and 3.9.

Hope this helps
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Old 04 August 2012, 17:04   #7
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It does, thank you

Now on to my final question. There's just one port for installing an addon, yes? Does the addon/accel. card come with a second port to install a second card on it? Let's say I wanted both a cpu accel. and a ram expansion on there.

Thank you for all the help, it's helping me to understand the system better!
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Old 04 August 2012, 21:36   #8
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Originally Posted by mikepxavier View Post
Now on to my final question. There's just one port for installing an addon, yes? Does the addon/accel. card come with a second port to install a second card on it? Let's say I wanted both a cpu accel. and a ram expansion on there.
Some add-ons have a pass-through connector to allow further expansion and others do not, so it will depend on the specific modules you manage to acquire.
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Old 04 August 2012, 22:21   #9
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Alright, I want to thank you all for your help! It's really nice that you don't toss us new Amiga users into the great void for us to conquer it ourselves, but that you take your time to teach us "noobs" even though I'm sure you got better things to do.

I think I'll idle on this forum section for a while and read through the pages. Again, thank you!
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Old 05 August 2012, 19:28   #10
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Originally Posted by source View Post
If it only has 1 meg ram I would rec adding more. there is an accelerator coming out (ACA 620) which has both ram and a 68020. It will give a little speed booster. as for other options there is the 604 mem exansion that will give you I think 2 meg chip ram as well as a port for the indvision ECS which will allow you to hook up a modern monitor. as well it gives you a couple clock ports for adding USB. They can be ordered from Versalia or Amigakit. as for the power if you are not sure on cutting and splicing then you are best to just get an adaptor. If it is already been tampered with you may want to remove the plug and use the style you need for your country. I never trust someone elses handywork.

Hope it helps
By the way, can I hook the A600 up with the ACA 620 and the 604 expansion with the added adapter for the indivision ECS + the chip?

Or do I have to choose between the 620 and the 604? Does it require soldering?

When will the 620 be for sale?

Does the A600 (not the HD model) come with an internal IDE port so I can easily buy and add the CF Adapter + the CF card (considering buying ALL the parts from amigakit).

Sorry for all these question, I'm just completely green on this. I need to know as I don't want to mess the A600 up. (Also, there should be a +rep system on this forum for helpful posts so it would be easier for us new users to know and for veterans to promote what is the "best" answer. Just an idea)

Last edited by mikepxavier; 05 August 2012 at 19:34.
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Old 05 August 2012, 20:50   #11
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The 620 should just clip on over the 68000 cpu. no soldering. the 604 will fit in the trap door of the 600 and the indivision ECS will inscert into a socket of the 604. the 600 should have the ide pin header on the MB the 600 HD version only had the harddrive already installed in the case. There shouldn't be any soldering required by you. I am not sure when the 620 will be available. I don't have a 600 so I am not following it as closely as the big box machines that I do have.

Hope it helps
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Old 05 August 2012, 21:10   #12
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It does, thank you again!
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Old 05 August 2012, 22:57   #13
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Can I upgrade the Kickstarter from 2.05 to 3.1? I see from the amigakit website, it offers a 3.1 kickstarter ROM, but in the bracket it says "1200". Is it a special one for the 1200 or is it compatible with the A600? Would I run into any compatability problems using 3.1 over 2.05? Would I run into any compatability problems if I then installed Workbench 3.1 (Is this what you mean by "OS3.1", source)?
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Old 05 August 2012, 23:10   #14
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There are versions of Kickstart 3.1 For the Amiga 3000, 4000, CD32, A500/A500/A2000, A1200 and A4000T and they are not interchangeable.

For a comprehensive guide on the Amiga Kickstart ROMs, have a look here:
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Old 05 August 2012, 23:15   #15
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So, by not interchangable (sorry, tried to make sense out of it on the dictionary. English is my third language), you mean that the kickstart 3.1 from an A1200, can not be used on an A600, right?

I want to support shops that sell Amiga hardware. I've been using amigakit, but it seemed they only had Kickstart 3.1 for the A1200. Is there another shop that you can recommend personally that has the 3.1 ROM for the A600? I've seen on youtube A600 users with Kickstart 3.1.

Am I completely mistaken? Are they "soft" loaded from the harddrive/floppy perhaps?
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Old 05 August 2012, 23:23   #16
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Originally Posted by mikepxavier View Post
So, by not interchangable (sorry, tried to make sense out of it on the dictionary. English is my third language), you mean that the kickstart 3.1 from an A1200, can not be used on an A600, right?
Yes, that's right.

Originally Posted by mikepxavier View Post
I want to support shops that sell Amiga hardware. I've been using amigakit, but it seemed they only had Kickstart 3.1 for the A1200. Is there another shop that you can recommend personally that has the 3.1 ROM for the A600? I've seen on youtube A600 users with Kickstart 3.1.
The only other site I can personally recommend for Amiga hardware based on my own experience is Vesalia Online in Germany.

They have the Kickstart ROM for the A600, price €17.90, but they are on Summer Holiday until August 20.

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Old 05 August 2012, 23:27   #17
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Prowler: Thank you. I will buy from them when my A600 arrives.
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Old 06 August 2012, 00:47   #18
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When I buy the Indivision scandoubler, do I really have to remove the internal floppy drive? Isn't there a workaround?
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Old 06 August 2012, 06:05   #19
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I don't think you need to remove the floppy drive if you use the 604. 603 required you to remove the floppy. roms can be found on Ebay, but I would rather support the retailers before moving to Ebay.
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