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Old 31 March 2018, 15:46   #1
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ASM newbie, general help

Hi all, I'm asking for basic help about some points:

  1. step to step debug on ASM ONE 1.02
  2. copper behaviour
  3. XOR flag
- About point 1, I usually use the command "AD", however when working with copper I can't go through because screen freezes up when COPPER start to work

- About point 2, with the code below my purpose was to paint a red line starting from the middle of the screen, reaching the bottom of the screen and then reverse back until reaching the top of the screen, switch back again and so on.
Things works more or less, however the bar start from 1/3rd of the screen and reach the 2/3rd of the screen (see the attached image)
What's the matter there?

- About point 3, always on the code below I think I can optimize the code by using an XOR command on Direction flag to switch its value instead of branch to SetUp and SetDown.
How does XOR works?

Thank you

I'm using ASM ONE 1.02 with FS UAE (A600 + HD)

;*   Constants   *

OldOpenLibrary	= -$198		; -408
CloseLibrary	= -$19E		; -414

DMASET=	%1000000111000000
;	 -----a-bcdefghij

;	a: Blitter Nasty
;	b: Bitplane DMA (if this isn't set, sprites disappear!)
;	c: Copper DMA
;	d: Blitter DMA
;	e: Sprite DMA
;	f: Disk DMA
;	g-j: Audio 3-0 DMA

	SECTION	CODESECTION,CODE	; This command will run the below code
					; on FAST RAM (if enough) or CHIP RAM

	MOVE.L	$4.W,A6			; Exec pointer to A6
	LEA.L	GfxName(PC),A1		; Set library pointer to A1
	MOVEQ	#0,D0
	JSR	OldOpenLibrary(A6)	; Open graphics.library
					; write to D0 the offset
	MOVE.L	D0,A1			; Use Base-pointer
	MOVE.L	$26(A1),OLDCOP		; Store copperlist system address,
					; retrieved $26 from glib offset
	JSR	CloseLibrary(A6)	; Close graphics library	
	move.l	#COPPERLIST,$dff080	; COP1LC - Point to #COPPERLIST
	move.w	d0,$dff088		; COPJMP1 - Start COP

	cmpi.b	#$ff,$dff006	; VHPOSR wait for horizontal line
				; of the light pen
	bne.s	main		; if pen did not reach the end, repeat loop
	bsr.s	movebar		; 

	btst	#6,$bfe001	; check for left mouse button
	bne.s	main		; if not, repeat the above line
	move.l	OldCop(PC),$dff080	; COP1LC - Point to default COP system
	move.w	d0,$dff088		; COPJMP1 - Restart COP

	move.l	4.w,a6
	jsr	-$7e(a6)	; Enable  Multitasking
	move.l	gfxbase(PC),a1	; Point to gfxbase
	jsr	-$19e(a6)	; Closelibrary

	dc.b	"graphics.library",0,0
GfxBase:		; Dedicated to offset "graphics.library"
	dc.l	0	 

OldCop:			; Dedicated to system COP address
	dc.l	0

	TST.B	Direction
	BEQ.S	Movebardown
	BNE.S	Movebarup
;	cmpi.b	#$ff,$dff006
;	BEQ.S	waitpen
;	BNE.S	waitmouse

	TST.B	Direction
	BEQ.S	SetUp
	BNE.S	SetDown

	MOVE.B	#1,Direction

	MOVE.B	#0,Direction
	SUBQ.B	#1,8(a0)
	SUBQ.B	#1,(a0)
	CMPI.W	#$7e07,(a0)
	BEQ.S	ToggleDirection

	ADDQ.B	#1,(a0)
	ADDQ.B	#1,8(a0)
	CMPI.w	#$fd07,8(a0)
	BEQ.S	ToggleDirection

	DC.B	0,0

	SECTION	GRAPHIC,DATA_C	; Section below MUST be executen on CHIP RAM,
				; because COPPERLIST requires it
	dc.w	$100,$200	; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
	dc.w	$180,$000	; Color 0 - BLACK
	dc.w	$7d07,$FFFE
	dc.w	$180,$00f	; Color 0 - BLUE
	dc.w	$7e07,$FFFE	; TOP LIMIT
	dc.w	$180,$000

	dc.w	$7f07,$FFFE	; Wait for line $7f (half screen)
	dc.w	$180,$F00	; Color 0 - RED
	dc.w	$8007,$FFFE	; Wait for line $80 (next line)
	dc.w	$180,$000	; Color 0 - BLACK
	dc.w	$fe07,$FFFE	; Wait for last line

	dc.w	$180,$00F	; Color 0 - BLUE
	dc.w	$ff07,$FFFE
	dc.w	$180,$000
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	red_bar.png
Views:	163
Size:	821 Bytes
ID:	57563  

Last edited by fstarred; 31 March 2018 at 15:52.
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Old 31 March 2018, 16:08   #2
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Welcome to the forum fstarred

I'm sorry i can't help you with Assembly

But you will surely find the help you need here
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Old 31 March 2018, 17:33   #3
son of 68k
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Point 1 : can't help. Not using Asm-one. Sorry.

Point 2 : I can't the heck understand what's your exact intent. Perhaps i can't help with the copper either if you're doing unusual stuff. However, you return to your loop without ever checking that the value is no longer $ff in $dff006 so "movebar" may be called several times in a row.

Point 3 : there is no XOR command. You can use, however, EOR, but it's not exactly the best way to reverse a simple flag. Better initialize with 0 (or $ff, but not 1) and use NOT.B on the flag.

A few remarks :
- Your code uses 100% cpu. Not nice on some configs.
- You have unreachable RTS after your commented "waitpen" label.
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Old 31 March 2018, 20:19   #4
Toni Wilen
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step to step debug on ASM ONE 1.02
You can't use most debuggers if you take over the screen but for example you can use UAE debugger (but don't ask me how to activate/use it in FS-UAE). Or Action Replay

copper behaviour
Was most likely already answered, at least one reason for weird behavior.

XOR flag
If you really want to use bit flags (and not NOT.x as replied above) BCHG or EOR works.

- Your code uses 100% cpu. Not nice on some configs.
IMHO it is totally irrelevant here, it is just very minimal example/test code. (and to do it properly when taking over the system is not that trivial for beginners)

More important missing part is proper startup code.
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Old 01 April 2018, 11:19   #5
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about point 2: if you want the top to be higher try this:

in Movebarup:
CMPI.W	#$7e07,(a0)
CMPI.W	#$2c07,(a0)
	dc.w	$180,$000	; Color 0 - BLACK
	dc.w	$7d07,$FFFE
	dc.w	$180,$00f	; Color 0 - BLUE
	dc.w	$7e07,$FFFE	; TOP LIMIT
	dc.w	$180,$000
	dc.w	$180,$000	; Color 0 - BLACK
	dc.w	$2c07,$FFFE
	dc.w	$180,$00f	; Color 0 - BLUE
	dc.w	$2d07,$FFFE	; TOP LIMIT
	dc.w	$180,$000
vertical location $2c (line 44) is the topline of the visible screen on a standard 320x256 lowres screen.
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Old 01 April 2018, 12:39   #6
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Here's a version with some stop/start-up code that appears to work (it exits without errors):
; Constants

OldOpenLibrary	= -$198		; -408
CloseLibrary	= -$19E		; -414

DMASET	= %1000001010000000
;	  %-----axbcdefghij
;	a: Blitter Nasty
;	x: Enable DMA
;	b: Bitplane DMA (if this isn't set, sprites disappear!)
;	c: Copper DMA
;	d: Blitter DMA
;	e: Sprite DMA
;	f: Disk DMA
;	g-j: Audio 3-0 DMA

	SECTION	CODESECTION,CODE	; This command will run the below code
					; on FAST RAM (if enough) or CHIP RAM
	move.l	4.w,a6		; a6 = execbase

	move.l	#gfxname,a1		; a1 = gfxname
	jsr	OldOpenLibrary(a6)	; open gfxlibrary
	move.l	d0,a1			; a1 = gfxlibrary
	move.l	38(a1),oldcop		; save COPPER
	jsr	CloseLibrary(a6)	; close gfxlibrary

	move.w	$dff01c,oldint		; save INTENAR
	move.w	$dff002,olddma		; save DMACONR

	move.w	#$7fff,$dff09a		; disable INTENA = turn off OS
	move.w	#$7fff,$dff09c		; disable INTREQ
	move.w	#$7fff,$dff09c		; twice -> amiga4000 hw bug!
	move.w	#$7fff,$dff096		; disable DMACON

	move.w	#DMASET,$dff096		; enable necessary bits in DMACON
	move.l	#copperlist,$dff080	; COP1LCH set custom copperlist
	move.w	#0,$dff088		; COPJMP1 activate copperlist

	move.l	$dff004,d0		; wait
	and.l	#$0001ff00,d0		; for
	cmp.l	#303<<8,d0		; rasterline 303
	bne.s	Main

	bsr.s	Movebar

	btst	#10,$dff016		; check for right mouse button
	beq.s	.pause			; pressed? pause!

	btst	#6,$bfe001		; check for left mouse button
	bne.s	Main			; if not, repeat the above line

	move.w	#$7fff,$dff096		; clear DMACON

	move.w	olddma,d0
	or.w	#$8200,d0		; set bits of DMACON state
	move.w	d0,$dff096		; restore original DMACON

	move.l	oldcop,$dff080		; restore original copperlist
	move.w	#0,$dff088		; and activate it

	move.w	oldint,d0
	or.w	#$c000,d0		; set bits of INTENAR state
	move.w	d0,$dff09a		; restore INTENA state = turn on OS

	moveq	#0,d0			; nice clean
	rts				; exit

	dc.b	"graphics.library",0,0
gfxbase:			; Dedicated to offset "graphics.library"
	dc.l	0	 
oldcop:				; Dedicated to system COP address
	dc.l	0
	dc.w	0		; Dedicated to INTENA(R)
	dc.w	0		; Dedicated to DMA

	lea	redbar,a0
	tst.b	direction
	beq.s	Movebardown
	bne.s	Movebarup

	subq.b	#1,(a0)			; red line
	subq.b	#1,8(a0)		; black
	cmpi.b	#$2c,(a0)		; top?
	beq.s	ToggleDirection

	addq.b	#1,(a0)			; red line
	addq.b	#1,8(a0)		; black
	cmpi.b	#$fe,8(a0)		; bottom?
	beq.s	ToggleDirection

	tst.b	direction
	beq.s	.up
.down	move.b	#0,direction
	bra.s	.ret
.up	move.b	#1,direction
.ret	rts

	dc.b	0,0

	SECTION	GRAPHIC,DATA_C	; Section below MUST be executen on CHIP RAM,
				; because copperlist requires it
	dc.w	$100,$0200	; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
	dc.w	$180,$000	; Color 0 - BLACK

;--- top blue
	dc.w	$2c07,$FFFE	; line 44
	dc.w	$180,$00f	; Color 0 - BLUE
	dc.w	$2d07,$FFFE	; TOP LIMIT
	dc.w	$180,$000

	dc.w	$7f07,$FFFE	; Wait for line $7f (half screen)
	dc.w	$180,$F00	; Color 0 - RED
	dc.w	$8007,$FFFE	; Wait for line $80 (next line)
	dc.w	$180,$000	; Color 0 - BLACK

	dc.w	$ffdf,$FFFE	; line 255

	dc.w	$0007,$FFFE	; line 256
	dc.w	$180,$0f0	; COLOR00 green
	dc.w	$0107,$FFFE
	dc.w	$180,$000

;--- bottom blue
	dc.w	$2c07,$FFFE	; Wait for last line
	dc.w	$180,$00F	; Color 0 - BLUE
	dc.w	$2d07,$FFFE	; BOTTOM LIMIT
	dc.w	$180,$000

	dc.w	$FFFF,$FFFE	; END OF copperlist
- This stop/start-up code is almost 100% code from Photon, so credits go to him.
- I changed some labels to my own naming-conventions, but that's just cosmetic stuff...
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Old 01 April 2018, 13:18   #7
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Small last minute change to the stop-startup code!

	movem.l	d1-a6,-(sp)		; save CPU registers
	move.l	4.w,a6			; a6 = execbase
In the End: code
	movem.l	(sp)+,d1-a6		; restore CPU registers
	moveq	#0,d0			; nice clean
	rts				; exit
Now you have to figure out what this movem.l and (sp) stuff is...
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Old 01 April 2018, 17:27   #8
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Thank you all for the reply

@Chip hi, where are you from exactly ?

In response to your suggestions:

1 - gosh, I wonder how programmers made demos without going mad

2 - @meynaf thank you for your answer, I've added a waitframe label on the code below hope it's more or less what you was suggesting for;
yes I know the code below it's all but cpu optimized, however it's just a start code for beginners

3 - @Toni Wilen Thank you, BCHG is exactly what I was looking for (see the code below)

;*   Constants   *

OldOpenLibrary    = -$198        ; -408
CloseLibrary    = -$19E        ; -414

DMASET=    %1000000111000000
;     -----a-bcdefghij

;    a: Blitter Nasty
;    b: Bitplane DMA (if this isn't set, sprites disappear!)
;    c: Copper DMA
;    d: Blitter DMA
;    e: Sprite DMA
;    f: Disk DMA
;    g-j: Audio 3-0 DMA

    SECTION    CODESECTION,CODE    ; This command will run the below code
                    ; on FAST RAM (if enough) or CHIP RAM

    MOVE.L    $4.W,A6            ; Exec pointer to A6
    LEA.L    GfxName(PC),A1        ; Set library pointer to A1
    MOVEQ    #0,D0
    JSR    OldOpenLibrary(A6)    ; Open graphics.library
                    ; write to D0 the offset
    MOVE.L    D0,A1            ; Use Base-pointer
    MOVE.L    $26(A1),OLDCOP        ; Store copperlist system address,
                    ; retrieved $26 from glib offset
    JSR    CloseLibrary(A6)    ; Close graphics library   
    move.l    #COPPERLIST,$dff080    ; COP1LC - Point to #COPPERLIST
    move.w    d0,$dff088        ; COPJMP1 - Start COP

    cmpi.b    #$ff,$dff006    ; VHPOSR wait for horizontal line
                ; of the light pen
    bne.s    main        ; if pen did not reach the end, repeat loop
    bsr.s    movebar        ;

    cmpi.b    #$ff,$dff006
    beq.s    waitframe

    btst    #6,$bfe001    ; check for left mouse button
    bne.s    main        ; if not, repeat the above line

    move.l    OldCop(PC),$dff080    ; COP1LC - Point to default COP system
    move.w    d0,$dff088        ; COPJMP1 - Restart COP

    move.l    4.w,a6
    jsr    -$7e(a6)    ; Enable  Multitasking
    move.l    gfxbase(PC),a1    ; Point to gfxbase
    jsr    -$19e(a6)    ; Closelibrary

    dc.b    "graphics.library",0,0
GfxBase:        ; Dedicated to offset "graphics.library"
    dc.l    0     

OldCop:            ; Dedicated to system COP address
    dc.l    0

    LEA    REDBAR,a0
    TST.B    Direction
    BEQ.S    Movebardown
    BNE.S    Movebarup

    BCHG    #0,Direction

    SUBQ.B    #1,8(a0)
    SUBQ.B    #1,(a0)
    CMPI.W    #$7e07,(a0)
    BEQ.S    SwitchDirection

    ADDQ.B    #1,(a0)
    ADDQ.B    #1,8(a0)
    CMPI.w    #$fd07,8(a0)
    BEQ.S    SwitchDirection

    DC.B    0

    SECTION    GRAPHIC,DATA_C    ; Section below MUST be executen on CHIP RAM,
                ; because COPPERLIST requires it
    dc.w    $100,$200    ; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
    dc.w    $180,$000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    $7d07,$FFFE
    dc.w    $180,$00f    ; Color 0 - BLUE
    dc.w    $7e07,$FFFE    ; TOP LIMIT
    dc.w    $180,$000

    dc.w    $7f07,$FFFE    ; Wait for line $7f (half screen)
    dc.w    $180,$F00    ; Color 0 - RED
    dc.w    $8007,$FFFE    ; Wait for line $80 (next line)
    dc.w    $180,$000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    $fe07,$FFFE    ; Wait for last line

    dc.w    $180,$00F    ; Color 0 - BLUE
    dc.w    $ff07,$FFFE
    dc.w    $180,$000
    dc.w    $FFFF,$FFFE    ; END OF COPPERLIST
However I still having trouble understanding copperlist registry and VP/HP positioning..
Trying to make it simplier;
the code below produces a red line at 7f $VP (about center of the screen)

(see attached image)

    dc.w    $100, $200    ; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK

    dc.w    $7f01,$ff00    ; Wait for line $7f (half screen)
    dc.w    $180, $F00    ; Color 0 - RED
    dc.w    $8001,$ff00    ; Wait for line $80 (next line)

    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    $FFFF,$FFFE    ; END OF COPPERLIST
Now, changing first lines REDBAR code to:

dc.w    $AA01,$ff00    ; Wait for line $AA
dc.w    $180, $F00    ; Color 0 - RED
dc.w    $AB01,$ff00    ; Wait for line $AB
I'd expect to see the red bar drawn on the bottom vertical area of the screen, but nothing changes from the first code!!! (see attached image for result)

What am I missing still ?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	a600+hd+wbench-real-1804011054-02.png
Views:	110
Size:	4.8 KB
ID:	57590  

Last edited by fstarred; 01 April 2018 at 17:36.
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Old 01 April 2018, 17:34   #9
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1. Your code debugs fine in AsmTwo (which is based on AsmOne 1.02). But if you add startup code that clears INTENA, clear all but VERTB and PORTS to be able to debug. Cartridges can debug even with the OS turned off, but you must then put a button wait in the critical places or know the breakpoint address to debug at the right place.

Your code is perfectly valid to show a screen for a while. In an OS environment, the system could refresh the screen and Copper pointer would be reset, and OS interrupts are still running (in fact, all the applications the user has started before yours will pre-emptively multitask with your demo) stealing processing time.

And Lightpen is actually an accurate term for the raster beam, it really draws a picture with light. Whereas one of these is just a sensor that doesn't draw anything.

2. The hardware has no notion of raster positions > $ff; it's 8-bit so it wraps around to 0 after $ff. So instead, you must insert an extra $ffdf,$fffe to show something below this position. Bit of a pain, but if you create a .w variable for the vertical position you can move and bounce that, and then put the lower 8 bits of the position into the copper (and insert the extra wait if necessary).

3. XOR (strangely called EOR on 68k) inverts all bits of the destination that are 1 in the source.
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Old 01 April 2018, 17:39   #10
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thank you so much for the code, honestly I'm still trying to figure out some basic concepit with the copper registry (see post above)
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Old 01 April 2018, 18:23   #11
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Ok, this is my updated code

;*   Constants   *

OldOpenLibrary    = -$198        ; -408
CloseLibrary    = -$19E        ; -414

DMASET=    %1000000111000000
;     -----a-bcdefghij

;    a: Blitter Nasty
;    b: Bitplane DMA (if this isn't set, sprites disappear!)
;    c: Copper DMA
;    d: Blitter DMA
;    e: Sprite DMA
;    f: Disk DMA
;    g-j: Audio 3-0 DMA

    SECTION    CODESECTION,CODE    ; This command will run the below code
                    ; on FAST RAM (if enough) or CHIP RAM

    MOVE.L    $4.W,A6            ; Exec pointer to A6
    LEA.L    GfxName(PC),A1        ; Set library pointer to A1
    MOVEQ    #0,D0
    JSR    OldOpenLibrary(A6)    ; Open graphics.library
                    ; write to D0 the offset
    MOVE.L    D0,A1            ; Use Base-pointer
    MOVE.L    $26(A1),OLDCOP        ; Store copperlist system address,
                    ; retrieved $26 from glib offset
    JSR    CloseLibrary(A6)    ; Close graphics library    
    move.l    #COPPERLIST,$dff080    ; COP1LC - Point to #COPPERLIST
    move.w    d0,$dff088        ; COPJMP1 - Start COP

    cmpi.b    #$ff,$dff006    ; VHPOSR wait for horizontal line
                ; of the light pen
    bne.s    main        ; if pen did not reach the end, repeat loop
    bsr.s    movebar        ; 

    cmpi.b    #$ff,$dff006
    beq.s    waitframe

    btst    #6,$bfe001    ; check for left mouse button
    bne.s    main        ; if not, repeat the above line

    move.l    OldCop(PC),$dff080    ; COP1LC - Point to default COP system
    move.w    d0,$dff088        ; COPJMP1 - Restart COP

    move.l    4.w,a6
    jsr    -$7e(a6)    ; Enable  Multitasking
    move.l    gfxbase(PC),a1    ; Point to gfxbase
    jsr    -$19e(a6)    ; Closelibrary

    dc.b    "graphics.library",0,0
GfxBase:        ; Dedicated to offset "graphics.library"
    dc.l    0     

OldCop:            ; Dedicated to system COP address
    dc.l    0

    LEA    REDBAR,a0
    TST.B    Direction
    BEQ.S    Movebardown
    BNE.S    Movebarup

    BCHG    #0,Direction

    SUBQ.B    #1,8(a0)
    SUBQ.B    #1,(a0)
    CMPI.W    #$2c07,(a0)    ; Upper limit
    BEQ.S    SwitchDirection

    ADDQ.B    #1,(a0)
    ADDQ.B    #1,8(a0)
    CMPI.w    #$2b07,8(a0)    ; Bottom limit
    BEQ.S    SwitchDirection

    DC.B    0,0    ; direction flag

    SECTION    GRAPHIC,DATA_C    ; Section below MUST be executen on CHIP RAM,
                ; because COPPERLIST requires it
    dc.w    $100, $200    ; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    $2c07,$fffe
    dc.w    $180, $0f0
    dc.w    $2d07,$fffe
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK

    dc.w    $ab07,$ff00    ; Wait for line $7f (half screen)
    dc.w    $180, $F00    ; Color 0 - RED
    dc.w    $ac07,$ff00    ; Wait for line $80 (next line)

    dc.w    $180, $000
    dc.w    $ffdf,$fffe

    dc.w    $2c07,$fffe
    dc.w    $180, $0f0
    dc.w    $2d07,$fffe

    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    $FFFF,$FFFE    ; END OF COPPERLIST
Can you give me some help to show the red bar reaching the bottom part of the screen (touch the green bar)?

Thank you so much for your code and hints !!!


Thanks to photon explanation,
I think I can work on it, once I have some time free I'LL post an update

Last edited by fstarred; 01 April 2018 at 20:46.
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Old 03 April 2018, 14:56   #12
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Honestly I can't see how to deal with the $ffdf, even with Photon suggestion:
You can see the result so far on the attached gif and the red bar disappearing when reaching vertical position > $ff

Basically, when REDBAR reached the $ff limit, I'd need to "call" the BOTTOM_OFFSET label BEFORE the RED_BAR offset.

The problem is I don't know how to code this

Can someone help me please?

;*   Constants   *

OldOpenLibrary    = -$198        ; -408
CloseLibrary    = -$19E        ; -414

DMASET=    %1000000111000000
;     -----a-bcdefghij

;    a: Blitter Nasty
;    b: Bitplane DMA (if this isn't set, sprites disappear!)
;    c: Copper DMA
;    d: Blitter DMA
;    e: Sprite DMA
;    f: Disk DMA
;    g-j: Audio 3-0 DMA

    SECTION    CODESECTION,CODE    ; This command will run the below code
                    ; on FAST RAM (if enough) or CHIP RAM

    MOVE.L    $4.W,A6            ; Exec pointer to A6
    LEA.L    GfxName(PC),A1        ; Set library pointer to A1
    MOVEQ    #0,D0
    JSR    OldOpenLibrary(A6)    ; Open graphics.library
                    ; write to D0 the offset
    MOVE.L    D0,A1            ; Use Base-pointer
    MOVE.L    $26(A1),OLDCOP        ; Store copperlist system address,
                    ; retrieved $26 from glib offset
    JSR    CloseLibrary(A6)    ; Close graphics library    
    move.w    $dff01c,oldint        ; save INTENAR
    move.w    $dff002,olddma        ; save DMACONR
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09a        ; disable INTENA = turn off OS
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09c        ; disable INTREQ
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09c        ; twice -> amiga4000 hw bug!
    ;move.w    #$7fff,$dff096        ; disable DMACON

    move.w    #DMASET,$dff096        ; enable necessary bits in DMACON
    move.l    #COPPERLIST,$dff080    ; COP1LC - Point to #COPPERLIST
    move.w    d0,$dff088        ; COPJMP1 - Start COP

    move.l    $dff004,d0        ; wait
    and.l    #$0001ff00,d0        ; for
    cmp.l    #303<<8,d0        ; rasterline 303
    bne.s    Main

    bsr.s    Movebar

    btst    #10,$dff016        ; check for right mouse button
    beq.s    .pause            ; pressed? pause!

    btst    #6,$bfe001        ; check for left mouse button
    bne.s    Main            ; if not, repeat the above line

    move.w    #$7fff,$dff096        ; clear DMACON

    move.w    olddma,d0
    or.w    #$8200,d0        ; set bits of DMACON state
    move.w    d0,$dff096        ; restore original DMACON

    move.l    oldcop,$dff080        ; restore original copperlist
    move.w    #0,$dff088        ; and activate it

    move.w    oldint,d0
    or.w    #$c000,d0        ; set bits of INTENAR state
    move.w    d0,$dff09a        ; restore INTENA state = turn on OS

    moveq    #0,d0            ; nice clean
    rts                ; exit

    dc.b    "graphics.library",0,0
GfxBase:        ; Dedicated to offset "graphics.library"
    dc.l    0     

OldCop:            ; Dedicated to system COP address
    dc.l    0
    dc.w    0        ; Dedicated to INTENA(R)
    dc.w    0        ; Dedicated to DMA

    LEA    REDBAR,a0
    TST.B    Direction
    BEQ.S    Movebardown
    BNE.S    Movebarup

    BCHG    #0,Direction

    SUBQ.B    #1,8(a0)
    SUBQ.B    #1,(a0)
    CMPI.W    #$2c07,(a0)    ; Upper limit
    BEQ.S    SwitchDirection

    ADDQ.B    #1,(a0)
    ADDQ.B    #1,8(a0)
    CMPI.w    #$2b07,8(a0)    ; Bottom limit
    BEQ.S    SwitchDirection

    DC.B    0,0    ; direction flag

    SECTION    GRAPHIC,DATA_C    ; Section below MUST be executen on CHIP RAM,
                ; because COPPERLIST requires it
    dc.w    $100, $200    ; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    $2c07,$fffe
    dc.w    $180, $0f0    ; Top screen green bar
    dc.w    $2d07,$fffe
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK

    dc.w    $ab07,$ff00    ; 
    dc.w    $180, $F00    ; Red bar
    dc.w    $ac07,$ff00    ; 

    dc.w    $180, $000    
    dc.w    $ffdf,$fffe

    dc.w    $2c07,$fffe    
    dc.w    $180, $0f0    ; Bottom screen green bar
    dc.w    $2d07,$fffe

    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    $FFFF,$FFFE    ; END OF COPPERLIST
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	FS-UAE-·-Amiga-600-03_04_2018-14_43_18Trim.gif
Views:	166
Size:	361.6 KB
ID:	57637  
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Old 03 April 2018, 18:05   #13
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Probably will be better for you to store your bar y position in a memory location and then "build" your copper wait with code

Then you can write beam wait positions, colour changes, and the PAL wait ($ffdf,$fffe) in the right order depending on the exact position of the bar... eg bar is above the line 255, bar is ON line 255 and bar is below line 255 (all cases would have the PAL wait copper command in a different place in relation to the other waits)
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Old 04 April 2018, 12:12   #14
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Originally Posted by DanScott View Post
Probably will be better for you to store your bar y position in a memory location and then "build" your copper wait with code

Then you can write beam wait positions, colour changes, and the PAL wait ($ffdf,$fffe) in the right order depending on the exact position of the bar... eg bar is above the line 255, bar is ON line 255 and bar is below line 255 (all cases would have the PAL wait copper command in a different place in relation to the other waits)
Sounds reasonable, so the code would be something like this:

BEGIN_COPPERLIST: ; never changes

    dc.w ... ; redbar position
    dc.w FFFD, FFFE ; end line (255)

    dc.w FFFD, FFFE ; end line (255)
    dc.w ... ; redbar position
My idea is to clear, according to redbar position, REDBAR_* label and append to BEGIN_COPPERLIST the needed LABEL_*, hovever I miss how to do it with assembly.
An example:

FOO: $11 $22 ; and so on

I want to put $FF at the end of the label FOO, but I don't know how much FOO is at compile time, is there any way to do this with asm?

Thank you very much
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Old 04 April 2018, 21:19   #15
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@DanScott gave a good hint on what to do:

- You 'must' generate the REDBAR: part in the copperlist dynamically using the CPU. For this you 'must' reserve memory, which could look like this:
	dc.w	0,0	; this
	dc.w	0,0	; really
	dc.w	0,0	; should
	dc.w	0,0	; be
	dc.w	0,0	; ds.w 10
- Define a variable for keeping track of the current rasterline; it's value range from $00 to $ff, so 1 byte should be enough.

- You have to deal with the following 3 cases:
xx = lines $2c - $fe

dc.w $xx07,$FFFE ; Wait for line $xx
dc.w $180,$F00 ; Color 0 - RED
dc.w $xx07,$FFFE ; Wait for line $xx+1 (next line)
dc.w $180,$000 ; Color 0 - BLACK

dc.w $ffdf,$FFFE ; line 255 - PAL wait
line $ff

dc.w $ff07,$FFFE ; Wait for line $ff
dc.w $180,$F00 ; Color 0 - RED

dc.w $ffdf,$FFFE ; line 255 - PAL wait

dc.w $0007,$FFFE ; Wait for line $00 (next line)
dc.w $180,$000 ; Color 0 - BLACK
xx = lines $00 - $2b

dc.w $ffdf,$FFFE ; line 255 - PAL wait

dc.w $xx07,$FFFE ; Wait for line $xx
dc.w $180,$F00 ; Color 0 - RED
dc.w $xx07,$FFFE ; Wait for line $xx+1 (next line)
dc.w $180,$000 ; Color 0 - BLACK
As you see this more complex than it's looked at first glance; only because of the $ffdf,$fffe wait....
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Old 06 April 2018, 17:04   #16
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Thanks @borchen, I've almost done:

;*   Constants   *

OldOpenLibrary    = -$198        ; -408
CloseLibrary    = -$19E        ; -414

DMASET=    %1000000111000000
;     -----a-bcdefghij

;    a: Blitter Nasty
;    b: Bitplane DMA (if this isn't set, sprites disappear!)
;    c: Copper DMA
;    d: Blitter DMA
;    e: Sprite DMA
;    f: Disk DMA
;    g-j: Audio 3-0 DMA

    SECTION    CODESECTION,CODE    ; This command will run the below code
                    ; on FAST RAM (if enough) or CHIP RAM

    MOVE.L    $4.W,A6            ; Exec pointer to A6
    LEA.L    GfxName(PC),A1        ; Set library pointer to A1
    MOVEQ    #0,D0
    JSR    OldOpenLibrary(A6)    ; Open graphics.library
                    ; write to D0 the offset
    MOVE.L    D0,A1            ; Use Base-pointer
    MOVE.L    $26(A1),OLDCOP        ; Store copperlist system address,
                    ; retrieved $26 from glib offset
    JSR    CloseLibrary(A6)    ; Close graphics library    
    move.w    $dff01c,oldint        ; save INTENAR
    move.w    $dff002,olddma        ; save DMACONR
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09a        ; disable INTENA = turn off OS
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09c        ; disable INTREQ
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09c        ; twice -> amiga4000 hw bug!
    ;move.w    #$7fff,$dff096        ; disable DMACON

    move.w    #DMASET,$dff096        ; enable necessary bits in DMACON
    move.l    #COPPERLIST,$dff080    ; COP1LC - Point to #COPPERLIST
    move.w    d0,$dff088        ; COPJMP1 - Start COP

    move.l    $dff004,d0        ; wait
    and.l    #$0001ff00,d0        ; for
    cmp.l    #303<<8,d0        ; rasterline 303
    bne.s    Main

    bsr.s    Movebar

    btst    #10,$dff016        ; check for right mouse button
    beq.s    .pause            ; pressed? pause!

    btst    #6,$bfe001        ; check for left mouse button
    bne.s    Main            ; if not, repeat the above line

    move.w    #$7fff,$dff096        ; clear DMACON

    move.w    olddma,d0
    or.w    #$8200,d0        ; set bits of DMACON state
    move.w    d0,$dff096        ; restore original DMACON

    move.l    oldcop,$dff080        ; restore original copperlist
    move.w    #0,$dff088        ; and activate it

    move.w    oldint,d0
    or.w    #$c000,d0        ; set bits of INTENAR state
    move.w    d0,$dff09a        ; restore INTENA state = turn on OS

    moveq    #0,d0            ; nice clean
    rts                ; exit

    dc.b    "graphics.library",0,0
GfxBase:        ; Dedicated to offset "graphics.library"
    dc.l    0     

OldCop:            ; Dedicated to system COP address
    dc.l    0
    dc.w    0        ; Dedicated to INTENA(R)
    dc.w    0        ; Dedicated to DMA

;    dc.b    $26,$01        ; red bar h pos, v pos (always 0)
    dc.b    $01,$01

;    $2d    - VERT TOP LIMIT PAL
;    $ff    - 
    tst.b    Direction_flag
    beq.s    Movebar_down
    bne.s    Movebar_up

    bchg    #0,Direction_flag

    addq.b    #1,RbVPos
    bsr.s    Check_bottom_limit
    bsr.s    draw_bar
    cmpi.b    #$28,RbVPos    ; Bottom limit
    beq.s    SwitchDirection    

    cmpi.b    #$ff, RbVPos        
    beq    DrawBar_At_FF        ; vpos at $ff
    cmpi.b    #$2c, RbVPos        
    bcs    DrawBar_After_FF    ; vpos from $00 to $2c
    bhi    DrawBar_Before_FF    ; vpos from $2d to $ff

    subq.b    #1,RbVPos
    bsr.s    Check_top_limit
    bsr.s    draw_bar

    cmpi.b    #$2d,RbVPos    ; Upper limit
    beq.s    SwitchDirection    

    DC.B    0,0    ; direction flag

    lea    redbar,    a0
    move.w    RbVPos, (a0)+    
    move.w    #$FF00,    (a0)+
    move.w    #$180,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$F00,    (a0)+
    move.w    RbVPos,    d0
    add.w    #$100,    d0
    move.w    d0,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$FF00,    (a0)+
    move.w    #$180,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$000,    (a0)+
    move.w    #$ffdf,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$fffe,    (a0)+    
    lea    redbar,    a0
    move.w    #$FF01, (a0)+    
    move.w    #$FF00,    (a0)+
    move.w    #$180,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$F00,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$ffdf,    (a0)+
    move.w    #$fffe,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$0001,    (a0)+
    move.w    #$FF00,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$180,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$000,    (a0)+    

    lea    redbar,    a0
    move.w    #$ffdf,    (a0)+
    move.w    #$fffe,    (a0)+
    move.w    RbVPos, (a0)+    
    move.w    #$FF00,    (a0)+
    move.w    #$180,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$F00,    (a0)+
    move.w    RbVPos,    d0
    add.w    #$100,    d0
    move.w    d0,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$FF00,    (a0)+
    move.w    #$180,    (a0)+    
    move.w    #$000,    (a0)+    
    SECTION    GRAPHIC,DATA_C    ; Section below MUST be executen on CHIP RAM,
                ; because COPPERLIST requires it
    dc.w    $100, $200    ; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    $2c01,$ff00
    dc.w    $180, $0f0    ; Top screen green bar
    dc.w    $2d01,$ff00
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0

    dc.w    $2c01,$ff00    
    dc.w    $180, $0f0    ; Bottom screen green bar
    dc.w    $2d01,$ff00

    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK

    dc.w    $FFFF,$FFFE    ; END OF COPPERLIST
Now for some reason, the demo drastically slowed down (check the current gif with the previous one).
Such a mistery

I really suspect that doing all those move.w on Draw_* label dramatically reduces performances, anyway I'm a bit perplexed.. Am I doing in the wrong way ?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	fs-uar_06042018.gif
Views:	191
Size:	378.8 KB
ID:	57684  

Last edited by fstarred; 06 April 2018 at 18:12. Reason: updated information
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Old 07 April 2018, 12:50   #17
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Posts: 32
the demo drastically slowed down
This also happens on my WinUAE config; so this is not because of FS-UAE you seem to use.

- While trying to find the cause of the slowing down I messed around with your code and consolidated some parts of it; this should be done even more, because the Movebar: procedure 'should be' 1 piece of code, this would cause the program to bounce-around a lot less...

- I also added some code to see the cpu-usage of the Movebar: procedure and raised the rasterline-wait to line 301, which is 1 line below the bottom-green line.
    move.l   $dff004,d0        ; wait
    and.l    #$0001ff00,d0        ; for
    cmp.l    #301<<8,d0        ; rasterline 301
    bne.s    Main

    move.w   #$f00,$dff180     ; start red cpu usage
    bsr.s    Movebar
    move.w   #$000,$dff180     ; end of red cpu usage
Here is the result of my t(h)inkering:
;*   Constants   *

OldOpenLibrary    = -$198        ; -408
CloseLibrary    = -$19E        ; -414

DMASET=    %1000001010000000
;           -----axbcdefghij

;    a: Blitter Nasty
;    x: DMA below on
;    b: Bitplane DMA (if this isn't set, sprites disappear!)
;    c: Copper DMA
;    d: Blitter DMA
;    e: Sprite DMA
;    f: Disk DMA
;    g-j: Audio 3-0 DMA

    SECTION    CODESECTION,CODE    ; This command will run the below code
                    ; on FAST RAM (if enough) or CHIP RAM

    MOVE.L    $4.W,A6            ; Exec pointer to A6
    LEA.L    GfxName(PC),A1        ; Set library pointer to A1
    MOVEQ    #0,D0
    JSR    OldOpenLibrary(A6)    ; Open graphics.library
                    ; write to D0 the offset
    MOVE.L    D0,A1            ; Use Base-pointer
    MOVE.L    $26(A1),oldcop        ; Store copperlist system address,
                    ; retrieved $26 from glib offset
    JSR    CloseLibrary(A6)    ; Close graphics library    
    move.w    $dff01c,oldint        ; save INTENAR
    move.w    $dff002,olddma        ; save DMACONR
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09a        ; disable INTENA = turn off OS
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09c        ; disable INTREQ
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09c        ; twice -> amiga4000 hw bug!
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff096        ; disable DMACON

    move.w    #DMASET,$dff096        ; enable necessary bits in DMACON
    move.l    #COPPERLIST,$dff080    ; COP1LC - Point to #COPPERLIST
    move.w    d0,$dff088        ; COPJMP1 - Start COP

    move.l   $dff004,d0        ; wait
    and.l    #$0001ff00,d0        ; for
    cmp.l    #301<<8,d0        ; rasterline 301
    bne.s    Main

    move.w   #$f00,$dff180     ; start red cpu usage
    bsr.s    Movebar
    move.w   #$000,$dff180     ; end of red cpu usage

    btst    #10,$dff016        ; check for right mouse button
    beq.s    .pause            ; pressed? pause!

    btst    #6,$bfe001        ; check for left mouse button
    bne.s    Main            ; if not, repeat the above line

    move.w    #$7fff,$dff096        ; clear DMACON

    move.w    olddma,d0
    or.w    #$8200,d0        ; set bits of DMACON state
    move.w    d0,$dff096        ; restore original DMACON

    move.l    oldcop,$dff080        ; restore original copperlist
    move.w    #0,$dff088        ; and activate it

    move.w    oldint,d0
    or.w    #$c000,d0        ; set bits of INTENAR state
    move.w    d0,$dff09a        ; restore INTENA state = turn on OS

    moveq    #0,d0            ; nice clean
    rts                ; exit

    dc.b    "graphics.library",0,0
GfxBase:        ; Dedicated to offset "graphics.library"
    dc.l    0     

oldcop:            ; Dedicated to system COP address
    dc.l    0
    dc.w    0        ; Dedicated to INTENA(R)
    dc.w    0        ; Dedicated to DMA

    DC.B    0,0    ; direction flag

;    dc.b    $26,$01        ; red bar h pos, v pos (always 0)
    dc.b    $01,$07

;    $2d    - VERT TOP LIMIT PAL
;    $ff    - 
    tst.b    Direction_flag
    beq.s    Movebar_down
    bne.s    Movebar_up

    addq.b   #1,RbVPos
    cmpi.b    #$2c,RbVPos    ; Bottom limit check
    bne.s     .draw    
    bchg      #0,Direction_flag   ; switch direction
    bsr.s    draw_bar
    lea       REDBAR, a0

    cmpi.b    #$ff, RbVPos        
    beq.s     DrawBar_At_FF        ; vpos at $ff

    cmpi.b    #$2c, RbVPos        
    bcs.s     DrawBar_After_FF    ; vpos from $00 to $2c
    bhi.s     DrawBar_Before_FF    ; vpos from $2d to $ff

    subq.b   #1,RbVPos
    cmpi.b    #$2d,RbVPos    ; Upper limit check
    bne.s     .draw    
    bchg      #0,Direction_flag   ; switch direction
    bsr.s    draw_bar

    move.w    RbVPos,d0

    move.w    d0,(a0)+    
    move.w    #$FFFE,(a0)+
    move.l    #$1800F00,(a0)+    
    add.w     #$100,d0
    move.w    d0,(a0)+    
    move.w    #$FFFE,(a0)+
    move.l    #$1800000,(a0)+    

    move.l    #$ffdffffe,(a0)    

    move.l    #$FF07FFFE,(a0)+    
    move.l    #$1800F00,(a0)+    

    move.l    #$ffdffffe,(a0)+

    move.l    #$0007FFFE,(a0)+
    move.l    #$1800000,(a0)    

    move.w    RbVPos,d0

    move.l    #$ffdffffe,(a0)+

    move.w    d0,(a0)+    
    move.w    #$FFFE,(a0)+
    move.l    #$1800F00,(a0)+    
    add.w     #$100,d0
    move.w    d0,(a0)+    
    move.w    #$FFFE,(a0)+
    move.l    #$1800000,(a0)    

    SECTION    GRAPHIC,DATA_C    ; Section below MUST be executen on CHIP RAM,
                ; because COPPERLIST requires it
    dc.w    $100, $200    ; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK

    dc.w    $2c07,$fffe
    dc.w    $180, $0f0    ; Top screen green bar
    dc.w    $2d07,$fffe
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0

    dc.w    $2c07,$fffe    
    dc.w    $180, $0f0    ; Bottom screen green bar
    dc.w    $2d07,$fffe
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK

    dc.w    $FFFF,$FFFE    ; END OF COPPERLIST
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Old 09 April 2018, 13:48   #18
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Doesn't Photon cover this in his tutorials?
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Old 09 April 2018, 14:42   #19
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Ok, I've optimized many calls, hope it looks better to you:

;*   Constants   *

OldOpenLibrary    = -$198        ; -408
CloseLibrary    = -$19E        ; -414

DMASET=    %1000001010000000
;           -----axbcdefghij

;    a: Blitter Nasty
;    x: DMA below on
;    b: Bitplane DMA (if this isn't set, sprites disappear!)
;    c: Copper DMA
;    d: Blitter DMA
;    e: Sprite DMA
;    f: Disk DMA
;    g-j: Audio 3-0 DMA

    SECTION    CODESECTION,CODE    ; This command will run the below code
                    ; on FAST RAM (if enough) or CHIP RAM

    MOVE.L    $4.W,A6            ; Exec pointer to A6
    LEA.L    GfxName(PC),A1        ; Set library pointer to A1
    MOVEQ    #0,D0
    JSR    OldOpenLibrary(A6)    ; Open graphics.library
                    ; write to D0 the offset
    MOVE.L    D0,A1            ; Use Base-pointer
    MOVE.L    $26(A1),oldcop        ; Store copperlist system address,
                    ; retrieved $26 from glib offset
    JSR    CloseLibrary(A6)    ; Close graphics library    

    move.w    $dff01c,oldint        ; save INTENAR
    move.w    $dff002,olddma        ; save DMACONR

    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09a        ; disable INTENA = turn off OS
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09c        ; disable INTREQ
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff09c        ; twice -> amiga4000 hw bug!
    move.w    #$7fff,$dff096        ; disable DMACON

    move.w    #DMASET,$dff096        ; enable necessary bits in DMACON
    move.l    #COPPERLIST,$dff080    ; COP1LC - Point to #COPPERLIST
    move.w    d0,$dff088        ; COPJMP1 - Start COP

    bsr    Draw_Env_Before_FF        ; BE AWARE! if RbVPos < $2d
                                ; call Draw_Env_After_FF instead
    move.l    $dff004,d0        ; wait
    and.l    #$0001ff00,d0        ; for
    cmp.l    #303<<8,d0        ; rasterline 303
    bne.s    Main

    bsr.s    Movebar

    btst    #10,$dff016        ; check for right mouse button
    beq.s    .pause            ; pressed? pause!

    btst    #6,$bfe001        ; check for left mouse button
    bne.s    Main            ; if not, repeat the above line

    move.w    #$7fff,$dff096        ; clear DMACON

    move.w    olddma,d0
    or.w    #$8200,d0        ; set bits of DMACON state
    move.w    d0,$dff096        ; restore original DMACON

    move.l    oldcop,$dff080        ; restore original copperlist
    move.w    #0,$dff088        ; and activate it

    move.w    oldint,d0
    or.w    #$c000,d0        ; set bits of INTENAR state
    move.w    d0,$dff09a        ; restore INTENA state = turn on OS

    moveq    #0,d0            ; nice clean
    rts                ; exit

    dc.b    "graphics.library",0,0
GfxBase:        ; Dedicated to offset "graphics.library"
    dc.l    0     

OldCop:            ; Dedicated to system COP address
    dc.l    0
    dc.w    0        ; Dedicated to INTENA(R)
    dc.w    0        ; Dedicated to DMA

;    dc.b    $26,$01        ; red bar h pos, v pos (always 0)
;    dc.b    $fe,$01
    dc.b    $2e,$01

;    $2d    - VERT TOP LIMIT PAL
;    $ff    - 
    tst.b    Direction_flag
    beq.s    Movebar_down
    bne.s    Movebar_up    

    bchg    #0,Direction_flag

    addq.b    #1,RbVPos
    cmpi.b    #$28,RbVPos            ; is bottom limit reached?
    beq.s    SwitchDirection        ; bottom limit reached
                                ; switch direction
    cmpi.b    #$ff,RbVPos
    beq.w    Draw_Env_After_FF    
    cmpi.b    #$2d,RbVPos
    bcs.s    Draw_Bar_After_FF
    bhi.w    Draw_Bar_Before_FF

    lea    redbar,    a0
    move.b    RbVPos, (a0)
    move.b    RbVPos, d0
    addq.b    #1, d0
    move.b    d0,    8(a0)
    lea    redbar,    a0
    move.b    RbVPos, 4(a0)
    move.b    RbVPos, d0
    addq.b    #1, d0
    move.b    d0,    12(a0)

    subq.b    #1,RbVPos
    cmpi.b    #$2c, RbVPos        ; is top limit reached?
    beq.s    SwitchDirection        ; top limit reached
                                ; switch direction
    cmpi.b    #$ff,RbVPos
    beq.s    Draw_Env_Before_FF
    cmpi.b    #$2d,RbVPos
    bcs.s    Draw_Bar_After_FF
    bhi.s    Draw_Bar_Before_FF

    dc.b    0,0    ; direction flag

    lea    redbar,    a0

    move.l    #$ff01ff00,    (a0)    ; redbar
    move.l    #$01800f00,    4(a0)
    move.l    #$0001ff00,    8(a0)    ; redbar
    move.l    #$01800000,    12(a0)
    move.l    #$ffdffffe,    16(a0)

    lea    redbar,    a0
    move.l    #$ffdffffe,    (a0)
    move.l    #$ff01ff00,    4(a0)    ; redbar
    move.l    #$01800f00,    8(a0)
    move.l    #$0001ff00,    12(a0)    ; redbar
    move.l    #$01800000,     16(a0)    
    SECTION    GRAPHIC,DATA_C    ; Section below MUST be executen on CHIP RAM,
                ; because COPPERLIST requires it
    dc.w    $100, $200    ; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    $2c01,$ff00
    dc.w    $180, $0f0    ; Top screen green bar
    dc.w    $2d01,$ff00
    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0    
    dc.w    0,0

    dc.w    $2c01,$ff00    
    dc.w    $180, $0f0    ; Bottom screen green bar
    dc.w    $2d01,$ff00

    dc.w    $180, $000    ; Color 0 - BLACK

    dc.w    $FFFF,$FFFE    ; END OF COPPERLIST
Redbar is getting really faster than before!

Basically I had to reduce call to copperlist (redbar) with drawing fixed values once when passing to $ff vertical position (see Draw_Env_Before_FF and Draw_Env_After_FF) and then call move directive ONLY for redbar position.

Thank you all!
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Old 14 April 2018, 20:49   #20
Registered User
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: NL
Posts: 32
Doesn't Photon cover this in his tutorials?
He does indeed, but the moving rasterbar in his tutorials does not go beyond the $ffdf point...

Redbar is getting really faster than before!
Great to hear! The new version certainly runs a lot better.

Just for good measure, here's my version, which contains a simple to use Pause MACRO:
; Constants

OldOpenLibrary	= -$198		; -408
CloseLibrary	= -$19E		; -414

DMASET	= %1000001010000000
;	  %-----axbcdefghij
;	a: Blitter Nasty
;	x: Enable DMA
;	b: Bitplane DMA (if this isn't set, sprites disappear!)
;	c: Copper DMA
;	d: Blitter DMA
;	e: Sprite DMA
;	f: Disk DMA
;	g-j: Audio 3-0 DMA

;--- Macros
Pause:	MACRO
	btst	#10,$dff016		; check for right mouse button
	bne.s	.pause\@		; pressed? continue!

	SECTION	CODESECTION,CODE	; This command will run the below code
					; on FAST RAM (if enough) or CHIP RAM
	movem.l	d1-a6,-(sp)		; save CPU registers
	move.l	4.w,a6			; a6 = execbase

	move.l	#gfxname,a1		; a1 = gfxname
	jsr	OldOpenLibrary(a6)	; open gfxlibrary
	move.l	d0,a1			; a1 = gfxlibrary
	move.l	38(a1),oldcop		; save COPPER
	jsr	CloseLibrary(a6)	; close gfxlibrary

	move.w	$dff01c,oldint		; save INTENAR
	move.w	$dff002,olddma		; save DMACONR

	move.w	#$7fff,$dff09a		; disable INTENA = turn off OS
	move.w	#$7fff,$dff09c		; disable INTREQ
	move.w	#$7fff,$dff09c		; twice -> amiga4000 hw bug!
	move.w	#$7fff,$dff096		; disable DMACON

	move.w	#DMASET,$dff096		; enable necessary bits in DMACON
	move.l	#copperlist,$dff080	; COP1LCH set custom copperlist
	move.w	#0,$dff088		; COPJMP1 activate copperlist

;--- Init Movebar
	move.w	#$0100,d0		; down=$0100, up=$ff00
	move.w	d0,delta		; set delta startvalue

	move.w	#$aa07,line		; line counter

	move.l	$dff004,d0		; check VPOSR
	and.l	#$0001ff00,d0		; for
	cmp.l	#301<<8,d0		; rasterline 301
	bne.s	Main

	bsr.s	Movebar

	btst	#6,$bfe001		; check for left mouse button
	bne.s	Main			; if not, goto Main

	move.w	#$7fff,$dff096		; clear DMACON

	move.w	olddma,d0
	or.w	#$8200,d0		; set bits of DMACON state
	move.w	d0,$dff096		; restore original DMACON

	move.l	oldcop,$dff080		; restore original copperlist
	move.w	#0,$dff088		; and activate it

	move.w	oldint,d0
	or.w	#$c000,d0		; set bits of INTENAR state
	move.w	d0,$dff09a		; restore INTENA state = turn on OS

	movem.l	(sp)+,d1-a6		; restore CPU registers
	moveq	#0,d0			; nice clean
	rts				; exit

	dc.b	"graphics.library",0,0
gfxbase:			; Dedicated to offset "graphics.library"
	dc.l	0	 
oldcop:				; Dedicated to system COP address
	dc.l	0
	dc.w	0		; Dedicated to INTENA(R)
	dc.w	0		; Dedicated to DMACON(R)

	move.w	line,d0			; current vert pos
	add.w	delta,d0		; down=1 / up=-1
	move.w	d0,line			; save new vert pos

	lea	redbar,a1		; where to write in copperlist

	cmpi.w	#$2c07,d0
	blo.s	Below

	cmpi.w	#$ff07,d0
	bne.s	Above
At:					; $ff = special part
	move.l	#$ff07fffe,(a1)+	; vert pos start
	move.l	#$1800f00,(a1)+		; COLOR00 red line

	move.l	#$ffdffffe,(a1)+	; extra wait

	move.l	#$0007fffe,(a1)+	; vert pos stop
	move.l	#$1800000,(a1)		; COLOR00 black

Above:					; $2c - $fe = upper part
	move.w	d0,(a1)+		; vert pos start
	move.w	#$fffe,(a1)+		; wait
	move.l	#$1800f00,(a1)+		; COLOR00 red

	add.w	#$0100,d0
	move.w	d0,(a1)+		; vert pos stop
	move.w	#$fffe,(a1)+		; wait
	move.l	#$1800000,(a1)+		; COLOR00 black

	move.l	#$ffdffffe,(a1)		; extra wait

	cmpi.w	#$2d07,d0		; $2c07+$0100 = top?
	bne.s	.ret
	neg.w	delta			; switch direction 1 -> -1

Below:					; $00 - $2b = lower part
	move.l	#$ffdffffe,(a1)+	; extra wait

	move.w	d0,(a1)+		; vert pos start
	move.w	#$fffe,(a1)+		; wait
	move.l	#$1800f00,(a1)+		; COLOR00 red

	add.w	#$0100,d0		; stop between $01-$2c
	move.w	d0,(a1)+		; vert pos stop
	move.w	#$fffe,(a1)+		; wait
	move.l	#$1800000,(a1)		; COLOR00 black

	cmpi.w	#$2c07,d0		; $2b07+$0100 = bottom?
	bne.s	.ret
	neg.w	delta			; switch direction 1 -> -1
.ret	rts

	dc.w	0
	dc.w	0

	SECTION	GRAPHIC,DATA_C	; Section below MUST be executen on CHIP RAM,
				; because copperlist requires it
	dc.w	$100,$0200	; BPLCON0 - THE BITLANE CONTROL
	dc.w	$180,$000	; Color 0 - BLACK

;--- top blue
	dc.w	$2b07,$FFFE	; line 43
	dc.w	$180,$00f	; Color 0 - BLUE
	dc.w	$2c07,$FFFE	; TOP LIMIT
	dc.w	$180,$000

;--- generated in Movebar
	dc.w	$aa07,$fffe	; wait start
	dc.w	$180,$f00	; COLOR00 red
	dc.w	$ab07,$fffe	; wait stop
	dc.w	$180,$000	; COLOR00 black

	dc.w	$ffdf,$fffe	; extra wait

;--- bottom blue
	dc.w	$2c07,$FFFE	; Wait for last line
	dc.w	$180,$00F	; Color 0 - BLUE
	dc.w	$2d07,$FFFE	; BOTTOM LIMIT
	dc.w	$180,$000

	dc.w	$FFFF,$FFFE	; END OF copperlist
F.Y.I. i'm by no means a seasoned assembler programmer. Not long ago I was at the same point you are on now...
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