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Old 18 June 2016, 16:26   #29
Code Kitten
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Originally Posted by DrBong View Post
Being anal-retentive or unnecessarily caustic just makes you look silly at the end of the day, so please resist the urge to do that when responding to other people's questions. There seems to be a real rash of it going on lately from a few individuals here on EAB in a number of threads and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
You are absolutely right that I didn't need to be so ironic and should have been better at keeping my usual kitten friendly tone. Thanks for the notice.
I usually do my best to stay humorous and helpful but I guess I am human and make mistakes too and more smileys and a better tone would have been more appropriate.

However, I would say that your tone is even more caustic than mine and borders on being an unhealthy generalization.
"Anal retentive"? I would never be that aggressive in a post.
"There seems to be a trend"? generalization is equally unnecessary and unhealthy.
"hasn't been unnoticed"? By whom? Do you represent more people than yourself?

Again, I apologize for the tone of my answer but you are also prompt to jump to overarching conclusions and I am sure we can both do better.

Originally Posted by DrBong View Post
The question I posed was a general one and it does seem I'm not the only one judging from a few responses that have been solicited.
It was general but coming in a thread talking about a very specific instance.

If this general question was not targeting the very topic of the thread it would have helped a lot if you had written an explicit disclaimer and mentioned going off-topic.
I think I t was reasonable of me to assume your post was on topic.

Also, the fact that several people share the feeling says nothing about it having substance unless each one brings facts to the table. There was little evidence here presented to support the hypothesis of a trend.

Originally Posted by DrBong View Post
As for Kickstarter descriptions, they're worth the paper they're written on (as it were)......absolutely nothing!
No they are not. Unless you are implying that overall there is zero accountability and massive fraud on Kickstarter.. There is fraud and deception but all available stats point to it being a very small fraction of the number of projects.

Choosing the negative side is perfectly arbitrary given that the vast majority of Kickstarter projects are successful and satisfy their audience (Kickstarter stats, available from them).

Originally Posted by DrBong View Post
I've actually seen a handful of the Amiga/C64 pixel books first-hand and most have been quite disappointing in their own right (and doubly so when their Kickstarter descriptions have been taken into account, if that's how they've been funded). Can you honestly say the same? Please name the books and give some detail if that is the case.
You are a much pushy kitten Sir, trying to push your work onto me. Bringing evidence to the table is the job of the plaintiff.

List all the KS Amiga/C64 projects and compare their description and results methodically and tell us what the fraction of liars there is and which part of that feeling was actually subjective misunderstanding of what was proposed.

I have also wondered whether that trend was real so I would be interested in knowing the truth but I am too cautious (when I am not busy being too ironic!) to voice it publicly.

I never talked in the general case so I am not going to argue that case but impressions and feelings are very dangerous things because we are super prone to generalization whenever we notice even just two instances of something we do not like. Do the checks yourself, you will be surprised how unreliable our impressions are.

Anyway, thanks again for pointing out the unnecessarily harsh tone of my answer, and my apologies for the long winded and redundant answer.
I hope that this time it was more productive.
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