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Old 20 April 2018, 16:22   #223
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
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Originally Posted by buckrogers View Post
Thank you to mdrejhon and Toni for this advancement. Forgive my ignorance as I have not the patience to begin to understand the physics. Can someone please provide a lay persons summary in terms of hardware recommendations to take advantage of beam-racing, for those without the hardware to test for themselves? From the thread and original blurbusters dev article I have been able to gather:

1. I5-2500K with GeForce GTX 750 Ti is sufficient, and I take it that any LCD monitor running at 50 or 60hz will suffice, and I assume panels with lower input lag (TN) are better than others (eg., IPS). How would the input lag compare here with original Amiga on a 60Hz CRT or vs option 2 below?

2. Beam-racing can also work with variable refresh rate (VRR) compatible monitors (free-sync, g-sync) at 120Hz or 240Hz. The optimum solution as of current writing would be a monitor capable of 240Hz VRR with fast CPU 4 GHz+ i7 (faster surge execute cycles) and fastest GPU available, for 12ms less input lag than the original Amiga on a 60Hz CRT.

3. Also works with CRT monitors but without the reduction in lag beyond an original Amiga on a 60Hz CRT that comes with option 2.

Is that an accurate summary?

From a bang for buck perspective, how do options 1, 2 @120hz VRR, 2 @240hz VRR plus 1080Ti compare and will I enjoy Turrican 2 that much more?
1: CPU usage requirements are not larger, it may only appear so because for stable operation busy wait must start earlier. (because 1-2ms is the shortest time you can normally wait). Only real extra work is texture copy to VRAM and only modified part is copied.

GPU requirements are larger, the more slices, the more GPU power needed. (Whole "scene" is rendered as many times as number of slices/frame) but unless you have extra shaders enabled, any non-ancient GPU should be fast enough.

2: Technically it reduces lag but it also increases CPU requirements 2x+ because emulated frame must be finished now faster than real-time. This is not yet fully supported. ("VRR Monitor DON'T TOUCH" checkbox enables it but it is not yet supported) It may also require larger sound buffers because emulated world is more "out of sync" with real world during single frame.

Someone else can answer other questions
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