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Old 24 June 2017, 02:38   #1
Posts: n/a
The real aspect ratio?

So I’m playing around with resolutions and filters on WinUAE and I was wondering what is the original aspect ratio (that being the one used back in the day.) I have narrowed down my options to three using Automatic scaling and scale2x.

The first is to use a 4:3 aspect ratio resolution and stretch the image for the resolution. The second is to use a 4:3 resolution and keep the games image aspect ratio using the option “keep autoscale aspect”. In this way the internal aspect ratio of the programming is kept in and shrunk down to fit in a 4:3 screen. The third option is to use a 16:9 resolution and use “keep autoscale aspect” to make the image bigger (and take up more of the screen) while keeping the internal aspect ratio which I geuss it not much different from the second option. I could also just starched the image to a 16:9 screen but I don’t think these games were meant to be played like that.

The question is how did most people back in the day view their games. My understanding is that widescreen monitors didn’t exist back then (or were really rare). So how was it done did Amiga user have special Amiga monitors that were sized just for that family of computers? If not then it must have been a 4:3 and if so was the image starched to 4:3 or was it shrunk down to fit while still maintaining the internal resolution of the game?
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