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Old 24 March 2017, 19:06   #347
Posts: n/a
Sadly, it's true

Yes, Glen has passed. It was quite sudden- he was probably trying to move the 3000 server .

Glen was my close friend here in town. When my dad passed I gave Glen his Amigas, and that started him on his love of everytjing Amiga and the history of Commodore. My father was a Xerox empoyee and was a hard core Amiga guy. We had 68000 chips everywhere my child hood was amazing because of this and Glen and I spent hours tinkering with the hardware he collected and refurbished and sold. Glen and I would go camping every september and drag along a bunch of Amigas and set them up on picnic tables to work on them. Nerdcamp.

He loved being part of a community of people who really understood what the Amiga and the people who contributed to it's development have acheived. He enjoyed talking with software developers and hardware guys over the years, and there is no question- he was an expert on the Amiga.

I know a lot of you will miss him and the incredible resource he was.

I sure will.

But, thanks to Glen, I have the most powerful A500 in creation lol and my kids will grow up with a sense of computer history passed down from my father, to my oldest's godfather (Glen) and we will have a constant reminder of a great friend who was generous, brilliant and honest.

And for those of you who loved Empire, Wargame of the Century- Did you know it was ported to IOS, and it's amazing!

On behalf of Glen, thank you all for the support over the years. It was truly an honour.
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