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Old 16 April 2010, 13:00   #5
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Ah, OK - nice - thanks Leffman!

Obviously there's no straight lines there so the colouring on the letters can't be done the standard way (as per my scroller...) with the copper.

I take it that the colours on the letters are also part of the background scrolled sinus wave and they either show through as "front" or "back" of the letters due to the combination of bitplane colours with the planes the "fronts" and "backs" of the letters are written into.

That's really cool and, as you say, very clever. Props to Photon.

I'd seen an earlier routine done by Altair ( that's nice but it's just a sinused corkscrew scroll minus the colourisation. Obviously they hadn't figured out that extra little bit of Photon magic that makes his version so much prettier.
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