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Old 31 October 2009, 15:57   #50
The Spanish Songstress
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Finland
Posts: 114
What friends?

Most of my "friends" (I'm a bit of a hermit myself, by choice) know practically nothing about computers beyond basics, so I rarely expose them to something so exquisite like Amiga's. Some colleagues, however, understand perfectly well the fond memories of yesteryear's platforms.

I don't have any disabilities myself (a handsome young (33) man, even if I say so myself , albeit short which sometimes seems to affect how seriously I'm taken and some people like to make fun of), but I used to have (both deceased a long time ago) deaf grandparents which my friends (when a kid) didn't understand at all - they just usually categorized them as retards (with the derogatory meaning) and wondered how my mother could let them "babysit" me. Needless to say, they did a wonderful job.

I never understood the need for someone to categorize others anyway. There are different qualities to each person and everyone's an individual.
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