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Old 07 September 2018, 05:18   #95
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its not that demanding of sprites ran fine on snes gen
its just about memory which back then wasnt cheap for very little
ofc trying to run on a stock a500 would be the most difficult only 1mb ram lots of disk swapping
its the high sprite count games that would be difficult shumps etc

fighters arent really that tasking unless you are like neogeo with huge sprites and scaling etc with lots of animation
even in 3d fighters you could really make them look better than other games due to have a very small world why even games on playstaion 1 were highres like tekken or virtua fighter on saturn

anyways super street fighter just had more animation which required more mem than streetfighter 2
why neogeo games were massive and cost a shit ton to hold all that
also even the x68000 couldnt make perfect ports some are lacking vs arcade
i have both x68k and x68030

Last edited by nexus; 07 September 2018 at 05:37.
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